The untrusted | Teen Ink

The untrusted

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

One early morning, my family and I landed in Monterrey, Mexico. My tia was waiting for us outside the airport, but my mom did not know she was picking us up. It had been 4 years since we last saw my tia. We came out of the airport and we see a lady running toward us. We did not recognize her at first. “Why is that lady running towards us”, my mom said. 

“Is that Tia Vero?” I said. 

“Oh my gosh,” my mom said. 

She started running towards her and tackled her. I had never seen her that excited to see someone. After my mom tackled her out of excitement, we got in the car and made our way to my Tia’s house. The car ride home was quite interesting. Seeing the lifestyle in Mexico changed my perspective on things. I'm older now and know about all the horrific things that happen in Mexico. My mom wasn’t sure if she wanted to come due to all the kidnappings. We finally arrived at my Tia’s house. We walked in the door and people start jumping up out of nowhere. They yell “SURPRISE!”. My family planned a surprise party for us. We greeted all my family members. My mom got emotional since she hasn’t seen them for a long time. After greeting my family, My cousins and I caught up on things that had happened in our lives. I told her how one of the things I missed from Mexico was the ice cream I would always get from the paletero. Every time I visited Mexico, I would always buy my favorite ice cream, so the paletero knows me very well. “Marisol I am going to go buy something from the paletero do you want anything?” I said.

“Bring me strawberries and a cream popsicle,” Marisol said. 

“Be careful. Don’t listen to anyone” Marisol said

“I know, I know I'm not dumb,” I said.

I arrived at the paleteros van. “Mija oh my goodness I haven’t seen you in a long time.” He says. 

“What would you like” he said. 

“Can I get two strawberries and cream popsicles?” I said. 

“We actually ran out of those, but I have more options inside the van if you wanna come to look,” he said. 

“No it’s okay I should just head home and come back tomorrow,” I said 

“ I have some new flavors their really good” 

I had a gut feeling something would happen if I go in. “Why am I worrying, I have known him since I was little. Nothing is going to happen Kimberly.” I said to myself. 

As soon as I step in, I see that there are no popsicles. My stomach drops and I start to worry. I turn around so fast but it was too late. He had already closed the door. I kick the doors so hard I hurt myself. “No no no. Let me out please!” I cried. 

“Help!” I screamed. 

He opens the little window that leads to the back and says “be quiet no one can hear you the windows are soundproof.” he said. 

 I run to the little window and grabbed his face. I scratched him so hard that when he pushed my hand back there was blood. He started driving. I sat on the floor and cried. “This is it. I'm never seeing my family ever again.” I said. 

I was terrified for my life. I didn't even wanna fight back or try to escape because I knew there wasn’t a way out. “How can I be so stupid and fall for that,” I said.

“If I had listened to my gut, I would not be in this traumatizing position right now,” I said.

“I'm so stupid. I should have had Marisol come with me.” I said to myself.

I decided I was going to try and make the effort to escape and let whatever happens, happen. Negativity was the only thing crossing my mind. I didn't think there was a way out, but then I saw something. I saw a bottle of spray paint in the back. My plan was to spray his eyes when he opened the door. The van started slowing down; I was getting ready to escape. I started to feel anxious; I felt a rushed feeling going up my body. I hear him shaking the locks. He opens the door and I spray his eyes. “owww” he screams. 

I jump out and run to the driver's seat and drive off. “Oh my gosh. I made it out.” I said.

 I speeded over to my Tia’s House. When I arrived, they all came out crying. “My baby, are you okay?” My mom said hugging me tightly while grabbing my head.

"Yes, I am okay. I'm happy to be home” I said.

I am delighted I did not let my negative thoughts take over. If I had listened to them, I would have never made it home.

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