Don't Tell the Man in Black: Part lll | Teen Ink

Don't Tell the Man in Black: Part lll

April 29, 2020
By Anonymous

  Recap of part 2

 Crying, shaking, scared. Speechless with no words but HELP! Wait there was another girl in the room. She said her name was Olivia. We are here to test you. Wait we? Are they going to hurt us? Bad thoughts were all I could think about.

                                   Part 3

I don’t know what’s going to happen to me, more importantly us. I couldn’t get the idea of us just being kidnapped and now here out of my head. Olivia and I couldn’t stop shaking, we didn’t know what to do. Jason then suddenly told us to get up and we started to head down a hallway. We ended up at a door to the outside, I thought immediately that this was going to be my way out. I knew that this wasn’t going to be easy though, there has to be a catch. Sure enough there was, he was tying our hands back so we couldn't do anything. He put us in this, I believe a dark grey car. But again it was night out so everything seemed dark. 

When we got into the car, there was a man inside but it wasn’t the one I saw the day I got kidnapped. He was younger too like maybe 20. As Olivia and I got put in the car, he started to drive off. He started to talk but I wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying. 

I wanted to get away, I just didn’t know how. Olivia was talking to the man and smiling. If I’m correct she said his name was Max. What were they laughing about that was so funny? We were in the car for at least 30 minutes and the whole time they just kept talking. I had no clue on what they were talking about.  We eventually stopped and he let us get out. 

Jason was already waiting for us when we got there. Scared and frightened, I didn’t know what to do. I knew though that one mistake can lead to a disaster. As I was scared out of my mind I couldn’t help but notice that Olivia couldn’t stop staring at Max. I couldn’t believe it, she really just fell in love with him that fast. As I’m looking around I see that there's a cliff and a beach, what will he do to us, is he going to push us to our certain DEATH!?!

All I could think about was, what is he going to do to us? Maybe he took us here to send us free? He told Olivia and I to go stand by the cliff. At that exact second all I could think about was that he was going to do something and something is about to go terribly wrong. As we were walking I noticed that Max kept looking at us like he was worried. That’s when I started to get worried, if he looked worried it meant something bad was about to happen. I remember right then and there that Jason turned around and Max jetted as fast as he could to Olivia and I. Jason Turned around with a gun and shot, but thank heavens lord that Max was there because if he hadn't pushed us to the ground Jason would have killed us but Max saved us. I did not expect that coming especially from something I thought was bad. What I didn’t know was that he also had a gun and shot Jason,Max on the other hand did not miss and shot him in the side . Jason fell to the ground in pain grabbing at where Max just hit him. He dropped his gun and Max quickly grabbed it and threw it off the cliff. He quickly called 911 and said that they were on their way. I’m so thankful that Max saved us and was not with Jason. He untied the ropes holding our hands back and let us free. We sat and waited for the police and when they arrived they took Jason away. 

If it wasn’t for Max we would be dead. As I turned my head I saw that Max and Olivia were talking and laughing. It was nice to see her laugh because she has been sad the whole time we’ve been held captive. After we told other officers about what just all happened and how we ended up in that situation. We were later taken to our homes and my gosh was I so happy to be there. When I walked through the front door my mom was sitting on the couch crying. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug, like I never wanted to lose her. In full honesty I didn’t want to lose her. I was so happy to be home. My mom sat me down and asked why I didn’t tell her about any of this before. I told her that I was just too scared for what could happen and then my worst nightmare came true, Jason kidnapped me. 

After that experience I was always careful on where I was and who I was with. I also paid attention to my surroundings at all times. It was hard to trust people from that day but after a couple of weeks I eventually learned that all people weren't bad. So I guess by now you should probably be careful on who you talk to or even the people you could call family.  

The author's comments:

This took me a long time to write because I got stuck and I had no idea what to put, so this may be a little bad, sorry if it is. This is part three though so I hope you like it.

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