The Bridge | Teen Ink

The Bridge

February 10, 2014
By ProReaderProDreamer BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
ProReaderProDreamer BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book. -John Green

The Bridge
I come from a place where there are clear lines between right and wrong. The Children of Light and the Children of Dark are completely separated. There once was a time where the two sides were together. The people did not care who was Light and who was Dark; both groups got along and were treated equally. After the fatal Battle, many people from both sides lost their lives, and the two sides were forever changed. The Children of Light see the Children of Dark to be cold, malicious beings who possess no souls. The Children of Dark see the light as cowardly soft people, who will blindly act off of feelings. Neither of the sides know the truth behind the war. Neither of the sides is prepared for the change that is coming.
7 years ago
I sat in the middle of the grassy field with my eyes pressed closed. The wind was danced around me, and the sun was shared a warm beam of light. I am trying to be one with the earth. I heard the chatter of the birds, and the other animals scurrying around the forest. This was the only place I felt completely free. Even though I didn’t have my official powers, I still felt a connection with the earth. As I tried to focus solely on the earth, I heard an unfamiliar sound. I opened my eyes and saw a woman with long white hair and unusual gray eyes. I didn’t know who this woman, or how she got in my backyard, so I stared at her. I was staring until my eyes begin to see unfocused, but I wouldn’t dare to be the first to look away. I treated it like a mind game. I stared at her and questioned her with my eyes. How did you get here? Blank stare. Narrow the eyes a bit more. Why are you here? Blank stare. After what seemed like hours, I tilted my head all the way to the side, but she still didn’t try to answer my obvious question. Finally, I gave up the game and found the nerve to ask the question I was dying to know.
“Who are you?” the old woman offered me a small smile and replied,
“It is not who I am, but who you will become.” My eyes grew wide with surprise, I was not expecting her voice to be as calm and gentle as it was. Any person could tell just by her voice, she was a wise woman. Realizing this did not stop the confusion from clouding my brain.
What did that even mean? I knew who I would become; my parents told me every night how great I am supposed to become. They have already set the limits to my greatness. One day as the princesses of the Children of light, I, Amelia, will be the one who will rule over all the people in my kingdom. I didn’t have a choice. Someday, I will posses great power and be the person everyone expects me be. Why did this woman seem to think I haven’t heard of the responsibilities that I will bear? At ten years old, I am already felt overwhelmed with all the responsibility I will have. I didn’t want to be a princess. I didn’t want to be forced to follow the strict rules a Child of Light is bound to. I just wanted to be one with the earth, live my own life.
“I don’t understand, what could you know, that I don’t” for the second time she gave me that same small smile while she answer.
“Oh, child, you will be much more than people know. You will be the bridge that will save us all. Remember, Child, when you find yourself stuck, follow your heart for it will lead you to the truth.” As she spoke the words I could feel the power radiating off of her. Whoever the mysterious woman was she had more power than I could ever imagine.
When I looked up to ask what powers she had I noticed the lady was gone. I turned my head to search the field and she was nowhere in sight. I turned once more to see if the lady would magically reappear, but she wasn’t there. I shrugged my shoulders and tried to clear my mind, and reconnect with the earth.
I shut my eyes. I was so close, before the strange lady interrupted me. With my eyes closed I began to clear my mind, and focus on my surroundings. I was no longer a Child of Light, or a princess, or some bridge. I was just a person connected with the earth. My mind was clear and it was almost as if I could feel every being residing in the forest. Then something in me just snapped, and it was like I was transported into a different forest.
I looked down at my feet and noticed the grass was still a healthy dark green. I turned in a circle looking at all of my new surroundings. The trees were slightly browning, and the sounds of the animals were completely different than the ones at home. The sun was warmer here than home too. Once I stopped turning I suddenly felt a need to go into the forest. I tried to avoid it, to resist. The need to go towards this area was just so strong. So, I did like cats do, and followed my curiosity.
The deeper I walked into the forest the more I fell in love with it. Everything about this forest was daring. The birds flew lower, and their calls were rough and deep. The animals stalked every move I made, to check if I was a predator. I was so focused on my surroundings that I barely noticed the annoying feeling had stopped. I looked forward and saw a boy. He seemed around the same age as me. His skin was rich like caramel, and he had dark green eyes. The boy was sitting on the ground snapping his finger. He was concentrating hard on his hand. Every time he snapped his finger he would look down confused. He was expecting something. I wasn’t sure what, but he wanted something to happen. The next time he snapped his finger, a small glow appeared. He made fire. How can he already make fire? The small boy kept the fire in his hand and then threw it at a tree. The tree that was right next to me. As the tree was burning I could tell that it was going to break in half and fall. I couldn’t move, it was like my legs were completely frozen, and I was paralyzed. As the tree was falling my mind was reeling. Can I die here? What will happen to my body? Will anyone grieve over me? I closed my eyes and anticipated the worst. I was waiting to feel the spiky bark crash into my skin. It never came. I opened my eyes, only to see two green oceans. I was in the boys arms. He saved me. I didn’t really know how he made it over to me so quickly, but he was there. I felt safe in his arms. Right when I was about to thank him for saving me, my body felt as if the wind was being knocked out of me. I took a step out of his arms, and gasped for air. The moment I was away from his body, my vision blurred and my heart was threatening to leave my chest.
I threw my arms around my stomach. It felt as if I was being torn into two pieces.
I fell to my knees, my head pounded like there were nails being drilled into my skull.
“Amelia!” I took a deep breath, and my vision cleared.
I blinked repeatedly and notice that I was once again surrounded by my safe forest. I could once again hear the birds chirping, and the small animals scurry around the field.
“Amelia are you okay? Why were you sleeping in the middle of the field? Mom and Dad have been looking for you everywhere.”
I looked up and saw my big brother, Zach, standing over me with a confused look on his face.
Sleeping. I haven’t been sleeping. I knew what sleep felt like and that was too real to be classified as sleep.
“I wasn’t sleeping. I connected with the earth and was brought to a different field. There was a boy around my age, and he could make fire, and he hit a tree, and then the tree almost hit me. But-“
The frown on Zach’s face deepened, I could read the look in his eyes. He didn’t believe me. “Little sister, you’re ten there’s no way any of that stuff actually happen, it must have been a dream that just felt real. You’re just being silly” He said with a slight smile on his face.
It wasn’t a dream. Nothing that has happen this whole day has been a dream. The old woman was real. The daring forest was real. The boy, the boy was real. Right? Mother and Father always said that I have an active imagination. I looked back up to my brother and saw how sure he looked. He was staring at me like there was no possible way I could be telling the truth. Maybe he was right. The crazy lady probably didn’t exist, I simply made her up. I hoped what she said wasn’t right. I didn’t want to be a bridge. I didn’t even want to be a princess. I just wanted to be me.
“But, okay, maybe I was sleeping, I am kind of silly.” I looked down at my feet, and then back up to my brother again. He seemed happy. He was happy that I gave in, without a fight. I knew right then, if this ever happened again, there was no way I could tell him. He would never believe me. No one would. Instead they would give me that overly wide smiles and nod their heads, like they do every time I try to tell them a story.
“Look, Amelia, it’s getting dark, let’s just head back home. Mom and Dad will want to know where you’ve been all this time.”
He looked down at me and reached for my hand so he could pull me up out of the grass. As we walked towards the house, I silently said goodbye to earth surrounding me. I knew once we got home Mother and Father were going to scold me. They didn’t believe that a good princess should be out exploring the land. Instead, they wanted me to mingle with the people and make sure the people liked me. No one will love a distant princess, they said. Don’t tell everyone your stories, the people won’t like a princess who is so good at making up lies, they said. I didn’t ask to be a princess.
Our house was crowded with people. The three level home, had people loitering in every room. Some people were talking to one another, some laughing with each other, or using their powers to play games. Every adult I passed would stop what they were doing to look at me. I was doing the walk of shame. The closer we came to my parent’s room the more my head dropped. When my brother knocked on the door, my heart skipped a beat.
“Come in!” My dad’s voice thundered through the door.
My brother looked down at me, and gave me a little push through the door. He was feeding me, head first to the lions. My head was still down, but I was already familiar with the set up. I knew my father, with sandy blonde hair and light blue eyes, was sitting at his desk, with papers stacked to his right. I knew my mother, who had blonde hair and light green eyes, was leaning against the side of my father’s chair. Neither of their faces were angry, my parents didn’t get angry often.

I knew there was a clock hanging on the back wall. In exactly five seconds my father would start the conversation. Four. They both looked at each other. Three. My brother switched his weight from his left foot to his right. Two. All eyes are on me. One
“Amelia, you know you can’t just run off and not tell us where you are going. Girls your age should be in their room playing with toys. Not out where ever you were. Where were you? We had people all over town searching for you.”
My tongue seemed to be glued to the roof of my mouth. I did not like attention. My brother answered for me, “I found her in the forest. She was sleeping.”
Now both my parents were frowning. They didn’t like that I was in the forest. The forest is too dangerous.
“Is that right Amelia, were you sleeping?” my mother’s gentle voice made an appearance in the conversation.
I almost said no. I was so close to telling them the truth. I was so close to saying that I, even at seven years old, found a way to connect with the earth. The first time I tried a strange grey haired woman spoke about my future life. The second time I was transported to a forest. The forest was different than ours. In the new forest I met a boy, and he saved my life.
I could feel my brother’s eyes staring into the back of my head. He knew. He knew I was thinking about telling them my truth. I took a deep breath.
Both of my parents smiled. They were glad I didn’t tell them another story. They were happy I didn’t tell them the truth.
“Well, be sure not to do that again. You must be more careful Amelia. Now go ahead up to your room.”
I exhaled, and turned to go out the door. I didn’t look at my brother.
When I made it to my room I lie on my bed, and willed myself to go to sleep. I tried to keep my mind off of the events of today, but my mind my clouded. Everything that happened today was playing on repeat. I closed my eyes and saw a glimpse of gray hair. I felt confused. I saw a beautiful forest with dark animal eyes following my every move. My heart beat sped up. I tossed on my bed, and saw a giant tree about to fall on top of me. My heart stopped. I turned on my back and tried once again to clear my head. The next time my eyes closed I only saw a pair of green eyes. I felt safe.

Chapter 2
The sunset in this forest is beautiful. The dark plants and mysterious animals all seem to bask in the orange-red glow. I am sitting on a shiny grey flat rock watching all my surroundings. Beside me there is a black jaguar lying down. The jaguar has jet black fur and piercing green eyes. The green color looks so familiar. The heat of the sun is acting as a welcoming sign for all the other animals to come out of their hiding spots. The birds are flying around with their low caws filling the air, and the land animals are all running around, chasing after one another. But the jaguar just lies by me. Every time I move the jaguar’s eyes follow, almost like it’s watching over me. Almost as if the jaguar knows I am not supposed to be here.
I sit on the rock watching the jaguar watch me. Why is it even here? This is not the normal land of a jaguar, and it is easy to tell by the way the other animals are avoiding it, this jaguar doesn’t belong. Kind of like me. My eyes widen with realization, and I shoot up from her rock. How did I even get here? I slowly began to turn in circles, taking in all my surroundings. This forest, I have been here before. I stopped turning to look down at the jaguar, “Have I, - have we,- I’ve been here before, haven’t I”?
The jaguar’s head shot up. I don’t think I have ever spoken to it before. I could tell just from the surprise in its eyes. Beyond the surprise, I could also see other emotions in the wide eyes. Pride, excitement, confusion, a bit of helplessness and adoration. Suddenly, it’s ears perked forward and eyes shifted from me to something behind it. Then, it let out a soft warning growl and gave me one last look and ran.
“Wait!” I screamed after the jaguar. I knew there was no way I could ever catch up to it, but I pushed myself and tried. My breath was becoming shorter and the jaguar was getting further away. My vision was getting hazy and all the trees were staring to blur, so I stopped running. I put my hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath. When I looked up, I saw that the jaguar was staring at me. I was looking into the deep green eyes when I heard a soft deep voice, “Wake up little one, it will all come together soon.”

Beep-beep. Beep-beep. Beep-beep. I roll to the right side of my bed and reach over to the vanity standing beside my bed to look at my alarm clock. The blurry red numbers read 4:30. I groan and roll to my stomach. Why do I do this every morning? I mean I can skip one day, no one would even notice. Okay, I have to get up. Maybe if I move one limb at a time, the cold won’t hit me, and my body will warm up faster. I lift one leg, to have it fall back down. This obviously isn’t working. I turned my head to look at the clock to see that the numbers have changed to 5:00. I frown at my alarm clock, but finally decide to leave my bed. I swing my feet off the side of the bed and walk straight to my walk in closet. I put on a grey tee shirt, black running shorts on, and black and grey running shoes on. I walk to the opposite side of my room to get to the bathroom. I am so glad I have my own bathroom. Once I am in the bathroom, I grab my red toothbrush and begin to brush my teeth. As I brush my teeth I look into the mirror. In the mirror I see straight auburn hair, and hazel eyes with spots of deep gold. My skin is not pale yet not tan. My soft face is clear of any impurities. I cannot believe I’m almost seventeen. I finished brushing my teeth and started putting my hair up.
When a Child of Light or Dark becomes seventeen they can finally access their powers, and have an opportunity to find their mates. Everyone in the kingdom is waiting for the day I turn seventeen. They all want to see what great powers the princess will have and they want to know who their future king will be. I look in the mirror and shrug. I guess this is it. I walk out my bedroom and carefully shut the door. My brother’s room in right across from mine, and I don’t want to wake him up. I tiptoe down the stairs, passing two flights until I finally reach bottom. I look in the front room and see the room is a mess. The couch cushions are all on the floor, there is popcorn spilled, and soda cans lying around. I shook my head and opened the front door.
I took a deep breath and walked toward the gate. I could already tell that it was going to be warm today. The sun was barley rising, but the heat was already palpable in the air. Once I reached the gate I punched in the code to unlock the gate and started my run. The land of the Children of Light is different than any other land. The road that leads from our gate goes straight into the town. The houses of the Children of Light create a circle surrounding the town, at the start of the circle is my house. All the shops and restaurants are in an inner circle of the town. In this circle there are many other complexes woven inside. The backyard of many houses, like mine, is the forest. Most Children of Light are afraid of the forest, if a person would go deep enough they could eventually run into the Children of Dark.
My senses were on edge because my birthday was nearing. I already feel a connection with the earth, but I’m not sure the length of my powers. What if my power isn’t strong enough and the Children of Light don’t want me to lead? Especially since my brother is first born, I’m not really needed in the kingdom. I know they want me to rule beside my brother and his future mate, but I’m still not fit to be princess. I speed up my pace a bit and follow the trail into town. It is easy to get lost in town. I think that was the entire point of rearranging. When the first war happened and the Children of the Dark separated from us, my father wanted to change the way of the town, so they couldn’t come back and attack us.
I miss the time when we were one. There was no Child of Light or Child of Dark, we all lived as one. Of course, I was not alive to see the days when there was no fighting, but it all sounded nice to me. The hot sun was now beating on my back, there were people milling around town and I was nearing my house again. Every person I passed gave me a courteous nod, or a “Good morning princess” My name is not princess, it’s Amelia. I have asked them many times to just call me Amelia, but it never happens. I was still shaking my head when I reached the gate to my house. I stopped running and walked up to the door and went inside. I walked from the front room into the kitchen and saw my brother and my friends talking over breakfast. Marilyn and Amanda were laughing at some joke Nick and Jackson must have said. Eli and my brother, Zach, were just shaking their heads. Eli was the first to notice me, when his eyes met mine he smiled.
“Morning, Amelia.”
I gave him a small smile, “Morning, Eli.”
Out of all the guys in my group of friends, I am closest to Eli. He is the only other person besides Marilyn that I actually trust. I would classify both of them as my best friends, all the other people in the group I simply tolerate.
I turn toward the stove to turn it on, so the kettle could heat some water for tea. I love drinking tea. There is something about tea that just relaxes me and eases all the pain away. When I turned back toward the group, I saw Amanda staring at me with a disgusted look on her face.
“Ew, Amelia, your back is soaking wet. As a princess your first priority is look presentable.” She flipped her hair off her shoulder and looked at me with hard eyes.
Don’t react, keep a straight face. Be the bigger person. Don’t let it affect you. Before I could even say anything Eli reacted.
“Amanda, people tend to sweat when they go for a run, or exercise for that matter.”
I gave Eli a grateful smile, and a silent thank you.
I know that she is waiting for me to blow up. Behind her platinum blonde hair, and crystal blue eyes and fake bright smile lies years worth of jealousy. She has always wanted to be a princess. I am only around her because her father is high in the power rankings, so he works close to my father. She’s been making small comments about my lifestyle ever since she realized I was a princess and she would never be. She always pointed out my flaws. She always picks battles she thinks she could win.
I turn back towards the stove as the kettle belts out the shrill whistle that comes with steaming hot water. I removed the kettle from the hot burner. I reached in the cabinet to the right, and pulled out my favorite mug. The mug was a dark forest green with swirls of black starting from the bottom circling its way back to the top. I put the tea bag in the mug almost forgetting the debate about me. Amanda’s voice has gotten louder. Almost sounding like a screech of an injured bird, but that would be an insult to the bird.
“There are certain ways a princess should act-”
“She was running! Exerting energy which will cause-”
“It doesn’t matter what she was doing, the Kingdom always come first!”
“No one would care about the sweat marks if they saw her running. I’m sure our people are smart enough to put two and two together.”
“Well, if I was the princess-”
The rest of the group was watching the fight unravel before their eyes. Nick and Jackson had big smiles on their faces, and were whispering to each other about who would win the fight. Marilyn had a worried frown etched on her face. Zach’s eyes were trying to burn a hole in my soul. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. If they want to fight, okay let them fight. I have no control over their actions.
“Children, there is no reason to argue this early in the morning,” a soft voice interrupted.
All the talking stopped, and all eyes were now on my mother. She gracefully walked toward the refrigerator. My mother’s beauty seemed to grow with age. Her blue eyes still shine as bright as ever. Her shiny blonde hair is beginning to show streaks of grey, but still beautiful nonetheless. She was the model woman of a Child of Light, looking as pure as anyone could get.
My father followed behind her shortly after. His head has larger streaks of grey, and there are wrinkles surrounding his eyes. The men of the Children of Light strive to look as aged and strong as he.
My mother stopped looking in the refrigerator and glanced at me.
“Amelia! What on earth are you wearing?” There was no longer a light smile on my mother’s face, but a disapproving frown.
Amanda had a smug look on her face, her eyes performing a happy dance. The look was screaming: I told you so, I told you so, I told you so.
I looked down at the ground and started swaying back and forth on my feet. If I look down, she’ll forget. If she forgets, I can leave and pretend this never happened. Forget. Forget. Forget.
When I glanced back up, the only people left in kitchen are my father and brother.
My dad cleared his throat.
“Amelia, because you will be turning seventeen in a few days, I believe it is time for you to see a Council meeting. It is time for you to take the next step, and gain more responsibility.”
I looked at my father with wide eyes. The Council meeting is a meeting between the Children of Light and the Children of Dark. The people who possess the most power from each side come to the meeting and talk about anything new happening within the group. This is a way for both sides to communicate any problems that are arising in each side, so the problem can be stopped.
Father didn’t wait for me to interrupt.
“The meeting is tomorrow and you are going. Make sure you dress appropriately, and be sure to follow the rules.”
His eyes have turned cold as steel, and his voice hard as a rock.
“What are the rules, Amelia?”
My eyes fell to the ground again. I took a deep breath and made my voice neutral, “Don’t speak unless spoken to. Always keep composure. Don’t associate with the Children of Dark, unless necessary.”
I could hear the scuffling of chairs and feet leave the kitchen. I finally found the nerve to pick my head up again. I hated those rules. The rules that were drilled into my brain as a child. If there is one thing my parents have taught me, it would be how to not feel. How to build a dam inside my head, and fill it with all the emotions I was supposed to feel. Don’t they know if a dam gets too full the water will spill over? Or worse, the dam will break.
Mine is. My dam, it’s cracking. I have all these built up emotions just waiting to explode, and I have a feeling that they will burst open soon.
I put my hands on my head and calm my breathing. I turn towards the counter and see the tea, sitting on the counter. There is no longer steam rising from the top. I put my finger in it to test the warmth. It’s cold. I pour the tea down the drain and head back up to my room. I look at the clock and see the time is 12:30. This is going to be a long day.

By the time my family walks into the room there is a frown etched on my face. I look to the right side, my gaze never slipping to the left, and scan the crowd looking for Carter. Every meeting is the same. It is held in the same spot, of the same day every single month. We all walk through the same dark oak door and down the same dimly lit narrow hall, into the same bright spacious room which is divides in two with a podium at the front. We always sit to the right while the Children of Light sit to the left. They don’t talk to us we don’t talk to them. That’s just how the Council meetings work. I think nothing about it, the process, until today. Everything about this meeting has a tight structure. We act a certain way as do they, but we never mix. The two different Children barely look each other in the face. I truly hate these meetings.

I am still going down aisles when I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. I spin towards the culprit quickly with my eyes narrow. I then relax when I see familiar dark brown eyes, matching hair, and an easy going smile.
“Whoa man, a bit jumpy are we?” He says with a teasing smile, showing a hint of his white teeth.
I just shake my head and groan, “You have no idea how bad I really don’t want to be here.” The longer I stand here, the more irritable I get.
The smile falls off Carter’s face when he notices I am being serious. He stares at me and his eyes dilate a bit while he looks at my aura. Since he is already eighteen he has received his powers. The smile is still gone when his eyes turn back to normal.
He clears his throat and speaks in a low voice, “Your emotions are all over the place. You’re excited yet anxious, content but a little distressed. Over all that you have a hint of anger, well more anger than usual.”
As our conversation is going on, the royal family of the Children of Light finally arrive. Whenever a royal from the Children of Light walk into the Council room that side of the room always ceases all conversations. Now that they were actually here it was time to start the meeting. Carter and I exchange a knowing look. We start towards our seats, which were both right next to each other in the front row. As everyone is sitting down he keeps staring at me, he knew that I should to talk about whatever was getting to me before I burst, after the third time. I caught his eye. Okay, we can talk about it later. He nods, and then turns his head to the podium.
My father began to walk towards the podium, wearing his all black suit with shiny dress shoes, confidence almost leaks off of him with every step he takes. By the time he made it to the podium our side of the room has fallen silent. Every single person looks at him with respect.
His deep voice rang throughout the room. “Now that we are all here, it is time to start the meeting.”
That was a jab. I knew it and by the slight smirk on my father’s face he did it on purpose. He always says things in order to get a rise out of the person. It’s one of his many strategies. I met eyes with my father and shook my head. Let it go, Dad. Let it go.
I turn to look at the King of Light to see if he has any sort of a reaction, when instead I see her. This girl has the same dark auburn hair as the one from the forest. If only she has the same eyes. Hazel, with specks of gold that seem to move every time I see her eyes.
I knew I was staring but I could care less. I need to see her eyes. Look up. I can’t tell if she is just being stubborn or if she doesn’t actually hear me. C’mon. Look up. I see her hand tremble as she moves it to her head, her head moves just an inch, but not towards me.
Now my heart was beginning to race. What if I’m freaking her out? She could be reaching to her head because she isn’t used to communicating this way. Surely, there is someone on her side that has the same power as I do. Or, maybe not, since only I can do this in my home.
This is a horrible idea. I take my gaze away from her, breathe in deeply, and try to keep my voice calm and comforting. I know you can hear me, just listen.
I turn my head back to the podium to see a smile on my father’s face, and his eyes looking in my direction. Next I hear, “I, the King of the Children of Dark, am pleased to finally introduce my son, Declan, as the next in line to take the throne.”
I swiftly got up and stood beside my father. I could hear the roar of the applause, like background music.
As my father’s eyes scan the crowd, gleaming with pride, my eyes connect with one single pair, of hazel eyes specked with gold.

I see a flash of wide hazel eyes, and it is as if the entire room has stilled. The applause is gone, my father is gone. The entire room has disappeared, and it is just a pair of green eyes, searching hazel eyes.

Just in that moment, the small connection that is made has the power to make my heart stop. My body stills, palms sweats, and for only a moment everything feels right. When my lungs finally decide to work again, something in my body changes. I feel another beat, thumping through my body. A pulse that is not my own.

It is wild and erratic. This is not right. When I blink again she was on the floor. Move. My foot inches forward, towards the girl, my girl. I have to help her. Maybe if I could just go over there, to touch her, hold her, calm her, anything. I just have to be by her.

My own breathing is beginning to match the alien pulse in my body. As I steal another step an arm reaches out and grippes my shoulder.

My father looks at me with worry in his eyes. “What are you doing?”
Most of the council is in chaos by now, finally noticing the young injured royal. This is not good. When I glance around the room, I can tell that everyone is holding questions, and they know I have the answer. Why did I have to take the first step?
The look on my father’s face is full with emotion his voice is strained when he says, “What did you do?”

It was a statement not a question. There was no why? Or are you okay? Just what did you do? Our half of the room was suddenly quiet. They can tell their king is in distress.

“I didn’t, I mean I did but, I- “I turn toward Carter for help, but he wears the same confusion as my father. How can you explain something to someone when you barely understand the situation yourself?
“You! You did this?”
I turn to see a guy around my age with blonde hair and blue eyes marching my way. His eyes look stormy, and his face looks as if it were about to erupt. I do not have time for this. Who is he to come storming at me?

I keep my voice level and shift my head to my father, silently asking for permission to answer. His nod was short and stiff.

“Before you go throwing accusations at people, I advise you to have some type of proof.”
The guy’s mouth opens in a small O and he begins to sweat.
“Proof, proof? I just heard you say-“
“Me?” I look at him square in the eyes.
“You are absolutely positive that you heard my voice?” The guy nods slowly.
“Hm, well, that’s strange since I have never spoken a word to you before. So how could you recognize my voice?”

I glance behind him, and see some men taking her into a different room. My pulse races, like a ten thousand watts of energy rushes into my body. The room feel a bit warmer.
“Well, I- I thought I saw-“ I mentally shake my head. Stuttering. Wrong move, buddy, wrong move. Stuttering gave me just enough time to attack.
“Well excuse me? So now accusing people based on thoughts, is accepted? How would you feel if I knocked you off your feet because I thought you said something offensive?”

The guy takes a slow step backward.
“And let’s just say that I think you heard another voice. What happens then?”

It is that moment when I realize I have him almost back into the wall, and I was staring into fright-full blue eyes. I am not done yet. I look him directly in the eyes and speak slowly.
“Next time, I think you should be careful of who you accuse.” I turn around while the guy scampers away, and see the room is mostly clear. The only people left in the room are my father and Carter.

The room was sticky with heat, and I pace the floor. I need to find out what room she is in. It’s not like I could go ask the King of Light if I can see his daughter. He would probably assume I have something to do with her black out. Which I do, but I not on purpose. I’m still not even completely sure what happened.

Finally, Carter stands up and put a hand on my chest.
“You have to calm, down.” His brown eyes narrow into focus as he tries to read and soothe my emotions. “The room is getting way too hot, you’re on the verge of setting this place on fire.”
I glance around the room and saw a thick mist of pure heat circling around the room. Both Carter and my father are soaking in sweat I tilt my head down and see my clothes are completely dry. I touch my hand to my forehead, there is no sweat. I had no idea I was making it so hot.

After a few minutes I could feel Carter’s powers working, lessening the emotions raging in my body. My father is no longer standing, he now sits on the ground next to the wooden podium he had been just standing and laughing by just moments earlier. There is confusion on his face. He weakly clears his voice.
“I still don’t understand. One second I’m talking, you looked at her, she looked at you and then she just slouched to the ground. And you saw she was going down and took a step toward her?”

He said it in such a disbelieving tone. Like he could never guess why I would go towards a problem. All his wariness is understandable. Never in a million years would a Child of Dark go out of their way to help a Child of Light; it’s unheard of.

Carter answers the silence, since I wouldn’t break.
“We are trying to help you. No one knows what’s going on, and if you know something that could help that girl.” He sighs. “Just talk to us.”

His eyes were pleading with me. Begging that I give him a straight answer But I don’t have an answer. Not one that makes sense. I sat down on the floor and run my hands through my hair.
“I need to see her” My voice sounds broken. Full with Defeat. I can’t explain it any other way.
Cater shook his head, “But why?”
How could I explain this? My head shot forward. I stand up and walk to my dad.
“How did you feel when you met mom?”
Carter stills, and my dad’s head shot up. Both of them are surprised because I rarely speak of my mom, not after the accident.
My father’s eyes shine bright as he speaks, “The moment I looked into your mother’s eyes, time stopped. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.”

I wait, for it to click. C’mon dad I’m giving you a clue. Take it. Try to understand. He stares at me for one minute and twenty three seconds until he actually responds.

First there was a ghost of a smile on his face, remembering my mother. Then his eyebrows scrunch in confusion. Next there was the look I was hoping for. A genuine smile.
“Are you trying to tell me, that girl, is she…?”

I stand up and walk towards the door the men carried her out of. I glance at Cater, he is still clueless.
“Wait, what? I don’t get it. What’s going on? What is she?”

I couldn’t say it out loud. What if I was right? None of this makes sense. I know that I’ve met her before, but I thought it was a fluke. But, then again, what if after all this I’m wrong? What if I just developed another power, and I hurt some innocent girl because of it? I shake my head. No this is right. We are right. I think. I send to both of them. She is my mate.

I reach the door when I find the nerve to speak out loud.
“I need to see her.”

I am stuck in that in-between space. I know I am asleep, but I am very aware of my surroundings, almost as if I am awake. The day’s actions flash in my mind like a dream. I remember being in the car, on the way to the council meeting. I remember walking up the long aisle to get to our seats. I remember seeing familiar emerald green eyes. The same eyes from my dream.
I need to see him, again. Talk to him. Make sure that he is not just a figment of my imagination. I stir a bit in my sleep, and tried to focus on my surroundings. I am not in my room. It is far too warm. The covers are scratchy and the bed feels a size too small. I want to wake up, but I have no idea how. I could even hear low voices talking over me.
“I knew this was too much for her, she was not ready.” That is my mother.
“No, this was right. It was time. She is of proper age, we can only hide her for so long.” That is my father.
“None of this was her fault, it was Declan’s.” My brother spit out the name like it would leave a bad taste in his mouth.
My mother gasps, my father sighs, and my stomach fills with butterflies. Declan. His name is Declan. My eyes slowly blink open at the sound of his name.
“Falsely accusing, the future King of the Dark is not smart.”

I made a small noise to signal I was no longer asleep. After I blink my eyes for the tenth time the room snaps into focus. The walls are painted a calming blue, and the open window’s allows a bright natural light to cascade into the room.
My mother is the first to speak. Her soft tone all but float to my ears. “Amelia, how do you feel? Sick nauseated, lightheaded?”
“I’m fine, mother.” I look into her eyes for a brief second. Still blue. Still cold.
“Well, can you remember what happened? You had a bit of an accident.”
Accident. Nothing about today, nothing in my entire life has ever been an accident.
My brother scoffs. “I’m telling you this was no accident. That no good, devil spawn-“
“Zachery!” My father gives him a look that I thought was only reserved for me. He shakes his head, turns toward me and asked, “Did the Prince of Dark do anything to you?”
What a trick question. I want to say yes. Yes he has done things to me. He’s saved my life. Captured my every thought. Created a safe place. Yes. Yes. Yes.
One simple two lettered word. One consistent, one vowel, has the power to shatter my heart into a million pieces. The thought of not seeing Declan again is physically painful.
“But I would like to speak to him.” I speak each word calm and slow. I glance up and everyone was staring at me confused.
I’ve went too far. I messed up. They will never allow me to see him. I need to fix it, before it is too late.
“We are both going to be leaders, right? I think we should both properly introduce each other.” More blank stares and screaming silence. Then all at once-.
“Absolutely not.”

I fix my hair in the mirror of the room, while I waited for my parents to return. I know he’s still here, he wouldn’t leave without getting to meet me, right? My brother sits in a chair across the room and plays on his phone.
I can sneak away. How would I get out of the room without Zach knowing? I can always lie.
I turn slowly to face my brother, and make myself as neutral as possible.
“Hey, Zach, do you think I could head to the car? I just really need some fresh air.”
He nods his head, he stands gathering his belongings and walks to the door. Think quick, think smart.
“Oh, I think I left my phone in the council room. I’ll just go there first and meet you outside?”
He bites his lip. I caught him off guard. He seems to be weighing the pros and cons. Before he speaks his eyes narrow. I am losing him. Think quick, think smart.
“If you want, you can finish your conversation before mother and father make it to the car.” I point to his phone.
He looks at the phone, then back at me, then at the phone again. The next time he looks up he pauses and replies,
I walk to the council room with a plan. He would be in there. He has to be there. Once I see him, I would look him in the eye and ask a million questions. What’s your last name? Do you have a favorite color? How is any of this possible? Can you feel the connection as strongly as I do? Will this, whatever this is work out? Do you think I’m pretty?
Once I made it to the door and gave it a gentle push, I am inside. He is inside too, sitting on the ground with his head in his hands, slightly rocking back and forth. I softly clear my throat, and his head springs upward.
Goodness his eyes are so green, and his skin tone is the color of gooey warm caramel, freshly brought from the oven.
I look at him, he looks at me. He smiles at me, I smile at him. Everything in the world is so right in this moment.
“Hi.” His voice is rich, and deep. Everything I imagined it to be.
“Hi.” My voice is small and pitiful. Everything I hate for it to be.
“Amelia.” I spin around quickly to see my brother in the door way with a dark look on his face.
“Did you find your phone?”
My eyes lock to the ground.
“Yes.” I begin to walk towards him.
“Okay, let’s go.”
I make it all the way to the door before I can glance back. But when I did I have enough time to catch his eye. There was a mischievous glint in them. I turn back swiftly unsure of what the look meant, and continue to walk away. When I made it through the door I hear a deep familiar voice in my head. I will see you soon,My Love.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the creativity of my favorite author authors: Maggie Stiefvater, John Green, and Richelle Mead.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 14 2014 at 8:23 pm
This was a great story, keep up the great work! Is there a sequel planned? ;)