Sudden Hate | Teen Ink

Sudden Hate

February 6, 2013
By Astore BRONZE, ONeill, Nebraska
Astore BRONZE, ONeill, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Stay healthy and strong and you will never go wrong"

Sudden Hate

“Why?”, I ask myself laying in bed, all the lights turned off.

“What did I do?”, I murmur to myself, as a tear rolls out the corner of my eye. My phone vibrates again, but instead of looking at the text I throw the phone across the room where it breaks into pieces upon contact with the wall.

I fill up with grief as I think about the text I received not even five minutes sooner. That text read :

“ Shut up and never talk to me again,
I hate you and never want to see you again....
:) “

It was not what the text said that bothered me, it was who sent the text. James, my so called best friend. Him and I were having a fun totally realistic conversation like we normally do, but out of the blue he sends me that text.

Before he sent me that message he was telling me how karma's a b****, and that led me to believe I did something wrong and caused him to say that, but I was not totally sure.

I crawl out of my bed and walk over to my computer, and open up my cell carriers web page. Logging with my phone number I go to my inbox. The message I had received before smashing my phone read :
“ Dude im sorry i didn't mean it”

So using the computer I texted him back and said :
“ Shut up, I don't wanna hear it...
Don't forget..karma... is a b****.”

and that was the last time I ever talked to James. This sudden hatred of me is still a mystery, but I gave up all hope of fixing our friendship. James and I are no long
er friends, and will never be again, all thanks to the lovely work of karma.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece when I received a message from a good friend of mine. This message was a very rude and mean message, just like the one in the story.

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