Slipping Away | Teen Ink

Slipping Away

February 9, 2010
By Anonymous

The rain drips down the window, making little rivets of water, all the way down the glass to the window pane. As I sit and watch all little drops of water rain down from the heavens I think. I think about how my life would be different and try and piece the ruined shards of my life back together to make them whole again. I try to sew the tatters of my world back together. I think about how fast life moves and the chances I never get to take. I try and stop and look around but every time I get close, the chance slips away and yet again, life is speeding by. I’m barely hanging onto it, hanging on by a thread. The tiny beads of water…slipping away, just slipping away into the mushy, wet ground. Heaven sends me blessings, I just wish I could grab them all, and never let them go. But as all good things must come to an end and the little drops finally stop, and the hopes and dreams I see in them finally stop hitting the ground.

The author's comments:
There isn't a true meaning for this poem. It's what you want it to be.

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