Sunset | Teen Ink


September 22, 2023
By Anonymous

Little ants marched in line along the branch, a cool breeze made my hair float and I smiled. The setting sun slowly turned orange in the horizon and the celestial dome extended behind me, splashing the sky with stars. As the velvet coloured night quickly crawled over me I walked home. My little flashlight created a halo in front of me and soon I found myself in front of your house. The fire had consumed the garden, now a sad grey patch, the windows were broken and the wood splintered and ashes covered the ground. I couldn't contain myself and I walked in, holding onto the flashlight while shy tears streamed down my cheeks and the floor creaked underneath my feet. I could hear the walls whisper and the wind cry.  

The author's comments:

This is just a quick experimental auto conclusive piece. 

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