Just My Luck | Teen Ink

Just My Luck

December 11, 2018
By Colestecker BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
Colestecker BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
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Harry woke up on another cold December morning. He was covered in bruises from his peers at school. He was on his last pair of clean clothes for the month and there was no hot water to shower. His mom already left and his dad had left. There was barely any food just some cereal and water. So, Harry and his sister left for school. When he got there he was cornered as usually from his bullies. This was just getting his day started.

When he got inside he found his friends Robert and Nick and they started talking about the games that were on T.V. However, Harry's family could not afford a T.V as they lived in a very poor neighborhood in the city in Paterson. Harry’s dad tried to find a good job and worked countless hours to try to help his family out of poverty. Harry was very lucky he was able to get into one of the best schools in Paterson.

“Yo do you guys wanna come over after school with Aidan and Luca,” asked Nick

“Sure,” said Harry and Robert

As Harry was walking down the halls he ran into his normal 8th-grade bullies. Of course, they are going to give him a hard time. They pushed him into the locker and knocked all the books out of his hands. He was too afraid to stand up to them. Luckily he had a friend named Ryan who was almost 6-0 and was almost 240.

“Leave him alone” barked Ryan

“Make us,” the bullies said

Then came an all-out fight it was a 2v1 however with Ryan massive size he was able to shut them up. For now, later that day in math Harry had a quiz on integers. His least favorite unit it was quite easy as Harry was very smart.

After school Harty went over to Nick's house. He stayed their as long as he could so he would not have to go home. However, when he got home there was the biggest meal he had ever seen. When he asked his mom what was going on she said.

“Your dad got a raised so he was able to cash in his old paycheck”.

“So, does that mean that we are moving?” asked Harry.

“Yes,” his mom replied.

“What town,” asked Harry excited.

“Probably the town of Ho-Ho-Kus,” said his mom.

“Yes I can’t wait,” said Harry.

Well, let's get packing we leave in two days said his mom.

That night Harry’s mind was flowing with all the ideas that he could do in Ho-Ho-Kus. His mom said that the school was great and the kids were nice. The one thing he was sad about was leaving his closest friends. Especially Robert and Nick. He only had two days to say goodbye.

The next day he walked to school with whole new energy. This would be his last day at the school. He was so excited he didn’t even see his normal bullies walk right by him. However, they saw him and threw him against the locker and took his money. Then after they put him down he went and found Robert and Nick and told them about the sad news. They took it pretty hard and said they would go find his other friends. Then we went to go find his first and closest friend Ryan. Harry started off by telling him thank you for protecting him all these years and then he told him that he was moving and Ryan's eyes started to water just a little. Then he went into his first class and then told his favorite teacher, Mr. Robins, that he just wanted to say thank you for teaching him everything he did for Harry.

Then after school he went home and finished packing up they were leaving tomorrow morning at 8. That night was the final night he would be sleeping in that smell noisy apartment. Boy was he happy.

The next day he woke up and everything was a blur until they got in the car and took off to Ho-Ho-Kus. When he got to his new house they took the keys and unlocked the house. It was Harry first time ever being in a house and it felt great. Then after they put the stuff down it was 1:15. So Harry’s mom took the kids to the school to meet some of the kids.

“This is going to be great,” said Harry.

The author's comments:

This has never happened to me before me. 

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