Call of Duty Ghosts on Entire Game | Teen Ink

Call of Duty Ghosts on Entire Game

April 21, 2014
By Timothy Fredrick BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
Timothy Fredrick BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Great Online Game

This game is action packed with tons of hours’ worth of playing time. It is not for all audiences though. The ages that should play this game are 15 and up because there is a lot of blood and gore with some swearing, so it’s not a game for the squeamish. The game has a campaign, a multiplayer, squads and a game mode called extinction. It is lots of fun.

Campaign: This game mode is the best for playing solo. It is a group of missions in which have you fight the main bad guy. You are trying to get to him and put a stop to his wreak of havoc. He sends his minions after you, trying to stop your progress of getting him. Sometimes you get really close to him, but he gets away. They do this by adding twists. It makes the game much more interesting and really fun. It gives an overall basis of the game. It gives the story of the game itself and makes the game easier to understand. It is really fun and I would advise you to play it.

Extinction: This game mode is not for the people who are scared of aliens, but it is really fun to play. You fight your way through the different stages of the mission which is to find and arm the nuke to blow up all the aliens. Fighting through the streets, you find and destroy all the hives (aliens live in) on your way to the nuke. Then arm it and run back to the helicopter to get out safely. The game makers made it even better when they added the new maps that change the setting and add more to the story line to the outbreak of the aliens. They added more types of aliens and much more too. The reason they add so much new stuff in the game is to keep it from getting boring and to make it more interesting. It is really hard to play by yourself though because it is a game mode made for working with a team and is hard to work by yourself, but if you have a group of two to four people it’s just perfect to kill lots of aliens and to be successful. This game mode is overall fun and exciting it’s great.

Squads: This is made just like special ops and combat training combined because it has missions like special ops and it has combat training fused into it. It is good for solo and with a party of friends. It is where you battle through the waves of people keeping you and your party safe. (Kill anything that moves) You also can play missions which are more like an extension to the campaign. It is a great game mode because of its diversity and party friendly games.

Safeguard: This is a sub division under Squads. It is where you and your teammates fight for your life. You kill or are killed; using guns you can pick up from care packages, and you kill the enemies. With your teammates, try to find a good spot to bunker down in and fight through the waves of the swarming bad guys. This is a very fun game mode that is made for working together and strategy. Overall it is a very good game mode and is really fun for you and your friends.

Missions: This is the other sub division of Squads. It is where you do missions that are more or less just an extension of the campaign. This adds more twists and much more action to the campaign, it gives either more information to the build of the excitement leading up to the finale or what happens after the main bad guy is gone. This is fun to play either by yourself or with a friend. Some of the missions are made so you have to play it with a friend, but even the missions you play by yourself are easier to play with friends.

Combat training: This game mode helps people who are really bad get better. It shows how to play better and has you go against easy bots that are not going to kill you with as much speed or skill as a human player would. This allows people who are new to the game to find out how to play effectively. This is an advantage to the player so they don’t destroy their KD (kill to death ratio). The KD is a way of showing the other online players how good you are if you die more then you get kills it makes you look bad. This also gives people who are sick of playing against people who are really good the option to play against easy people to mess around and not have to worry about getting set against people who are just too good at the game.

Multiplayer: This game mode is where you play online with tons of other online players. You are on a team fighting against another team trying to win, some games are objective-based and make you have to do the objective to win, but some are kill based which you have to just kill the enemy team to win. The games are on different maps every time, too, to make it more diverse and interesting Even when you are doing objective based games you still want to get kills. This game mode is good for solo but playing with a party it is much more fun. You can play this over and over and it will always be fun.

My review: I thought the game was very good. On multiplayer it has bad spawns and a lot of annoying people playing it. If you play with friends its way more fun, but if you don’t have any friends to play online with, I would suggest the campaign because it’s made to be played solo. Extinction and Squads are fun, but they are better with a party of friends. The game has great diversity and is a good game.

Overall I thought the game was good, it could be better, if they added more diverse and larger maps it would be better. The game is only as fun as you make it so my suggestion is to play with friends and don’t be too serious. This game is made to be played with other people, so you might as well play with a friend. The game is made way more fun when you are with your friends. If you don’t have any friends to play with online it’s not as fun, but it still is a good game.

I reviewed other people who have played the game to see if they enjoyed it or not. The people I reviewed all had mixed thoughts, some loved it and some hated it.

Vinny’s review: I hate it, it is very stupid. I don’t like how easily I’m killed and how bad the spawns are on the multiplayer. The overall inspiration/ display of the game is just bad. I like the campaign, but not the online. I don’t like playing with my friends because they are so good and I’m just so bad at the game. I did like extinction that is a good game mode and is really fun. I never have played squads so I don’t know if it is good or not. What I think they should fix: They should make it harder to die.

Casey’s review: I think the game is good but it could be better. All the maps are basically the same with lots of corners the people camp in. The campaign is good. I think extinction is really good, I think that it is one of the best overall parts of the game. It is really fun. I also really like the idea of the squads. It is basically combat training and special ops mixed. It has a lot of twists but not all of it is possible. Things that should be fixed: more diverse maps, more DLC to come out and fewer corners for people to camp in.

Jack’s review: I think this game is good. I didn’t play the campaign. Multiplayer is good. The online maps are good. The online players are annoying and also aren’t the most sportsmen like, they brag and get really mad when they are playing badly. I hate extinction because it is terrible. I didn’t like squads because it is very boring. The DLC is fine but could be better.

Brandon’s review: I think it’s a good game. The campaign is good, I enjoyed it and I also beat it 5 times. I’m good at multiplayer so I really enjoy it. I like extinction but not many of my friends like to play it with me. I haven’t really played squads very much so I don’t know if I would like it or not.

The overall thoughts of everyone seem to lean to the positive side. The campaign is a great part of the game but the multiplayer could be better in a lot of ways. Extinction seems to be the favorite part of the game. It is really fun and really different and new. The other game modes were liked a lot too. The game is a great game.

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