Futurama | Teen Ink


January 29, 2015
By MindStatic64 BRONZE, Rice, Minnesota
MindStatic64 BRONZE, Rice, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Imagine a future where space travel is the norm, Earth is always in danger from invasion and natural disaster, and the head of Richard Nixon is the President of the world. It may seem confusing right now, but those are some of the many different things someone may see in my favorite TV show, Futurama. The show is one of the most popular shows on Netflix with many people watching it over the years. It was running from 1999 - 2013, with 140 episodes on ten seasons. I’m going to talk about the characters in Futurama, how much I love the diversity of the show, and how the show is funny, but actually has meaning.


The characters of Futurama are what makes the show so great. My favorite  main character is Fry, a pizza delivery boy who accidentally gets frozen and time travels one-thousand years into the future. Two of the other main characters are Leela, a one eyed mutant who acts tough but inside is very lonely, and bender, the robot addicted to alcohol, cigars, and robot hookers. There are so many other supporting characters that I couldn't list them in two whole pages.  I like the characters because they have a ton of backstory and they are so well developed. Each of them has at least three episodes that are based just on their past and Fry and Leela each have over five episodes that are centered solely on their past experiences and memories.


Another thing that makes it fun to watch is the diversity on the show. It makes the show much better to watch than other animated shows like it, such as Family guy. Every episode is different than each other, with different themes and characters. Some episodes have similar themes, but overall they change, in one episode they travel back in time and discover Fry is his own grandfather. In another bender joins the robot mafia and becomes a hit man. The characters add a lot to the show, because there are so many supporting characters in it that when you see one, you can recognize it from other episodes they’ve been in.


Even with the characters and diversity, what makes the show so special to me is how it actually has meaning. The episodes usually end with something endearing happening to one of the characters, or some kind of moral value presented. Another way it has meaning is that it makes jokes on the current world, such as remaking baseball into a sport called “blernsball” and poking fun at celebrities such as Stephen Hawking and the Kardashians. It makes you laugh at our current situation and what’s happening in the world right now. The show also talks about ]racial prejudices and racism, but disguising it in the characters interaction with different alien species. And finally it warns us what could happen if we are not careful, like different episodes with various natural disasters caused by human fault, from a giant ball of waste threatening to destroy earth to too much ozone in the atmosphere, it tells us we have to protect earth from being destroyed by ourselves.

I talked about the characters, diversity, and meaning in my favorite TV show, Futurama. The characters are all genuine and unique, there is so much diversity in it, and it actually means something, unlike other shows in its genre. The show has impacted millions of lives from the 1990’s to the 2010’s, and who knows how many more it will influence. That’s why Futurama is my favorite TV show ever aired.

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on Feb. 4 2015 at 12:41 pm
RedHadan BRONZE, New York, New York
3 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find her way by moonlight, and her punishment is that she sees the dawn before the rest of the world.

YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Scruffy was always my favorite character