Collage by Chainsmokers | Teen Ink

Collage by Chainsmokers MAG

January 24, 2017
By NickBultena SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
NickBultena SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever catch yourself whistling a catchy tune or humming a favorite song? Have you ever listened to one song over and over? The Chainsmokers’ new album, “Collage,” will have you singing and dancing to its catchy lyrics and futuristic sound. The Chainsmokers are the New York DJ duo of Andrew Taggart and Alex Pall. They have really taken off in the past couple of years and have even had some songs in the top 20 singles of the year.
Most of their songs are smooth stories about relationships that flow nicely from beginning to end. All of their songs are in the electronic dance category and have groovy melodies that stick in your head.
“All We Know” featuring Phoebe Ryan is about a couple breaking up. Ryan’s voice is pure and rich and fits with the song nicely. The story is from the girl’s point of view, and the listener can tell that the relationship is ending, though the couple is still trying to hold on. A synth keyboard plays a catchy melody that will stick in your head. This song has made it to the top five on Billboard Top 100.
“Don’t Let Me Down” featuring Daya is, of course, another song about relationships. The theme is clear: the girl really needs the guy. The catchiest part is a pulsing, synth-driven drop. It features a futuristic-sounding saxophone that rings in the listener’s head. Each drop is a little different, which keeps listeners on their toes. Daya is an up-and-coming pop star with a very popular single, “Hide Away.” Her voice fits well with this song and is especially strong in the higher octaves. “Don’t Let Me Down” was number one on Billboard Top 100 for two straight weeks.
“Closer” featuring Halsey is by far the Chainsmokers’ number-one hit. The theme is an ex-couple seeing each other again. “Four years, no calls, now you’re looking pretty in a hotel bar” signals that after being apart, the sparks are still flying. The story is told by both people, and details of how they broke up are littered in bits and pieces throughout the song. But the most catchy part is the drop. “Closer” was on Billboard Top 100 for a full six months. 
The Chainsmokers have had some big hits, and the duo is young. I’m sure they will produce many more. They have recently started touring, since they have many fans around the world. It’s hard not to fall in love with the stories in these songs. The lyrics get stuck in your head and will have you singing them all day.

The author's comments:

I really enjoy this album and I feel it sends to a message to the listener.  


This article has 1 comment.

surya_k BRONZE said...
on Jan. 28 2017 at 5:33 am
surya_k BRONZE, Chennai, Other
1 article 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies ... The man who never reads lives only one. - George R R Martin

This was a cool review, but you haven't talked about "Setting Fires" or "Inside Out".