Recycler | Teen Ink

Recycler MAG

By Anonymous

   ZZ Top recently irolled through the Worcester Centrum with a new car, a new album, and a back-to-roots sound mixed with that crazy style that made them famous.

Tired of hearing that they had gotten too far from what got them started, but still wanting to please the "Eliminator" lovers, Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill, and Frank Beard (the only one without one), decided to mix the blues and "Eliminator's" fast paced sound. The result of their efforts is an album that can pump you up, mellow you out, or even make you laugh.

The most well-known song on the album is probably "Doubleback," the song written as the lead song for the soundtrack of "Back to the Future: Part 2." This is a prime example of the more recent work of the band. "My Head's in Mississippi" is a perfect example of their work to create a modern blues sound. Other blues songs include "2000 Blues" and "Tell It." In the tradition of "TV Dinners," "Burgerman" allows you to sit back and enjoy the fun.

Even better than the album was the concert itself. After being disappointed by the Black Crows who opened for ZZ Top, the main event came out and amazed the crowd. Playing in front of a junkyard menagerie made up of crushed cars, scrap metal, and wooden crates, the bearded ones had the crowd on its feet for the whole show.

Hill and Gibbons used assorted basses and guitars which varied in design from neon green to furry to classic white. After being "eaten" by a crane, the band returned in sharp, hot pink suits and cowboy hats to perform "Sharp Dressed Man."

Conveyor belts on stage allowed Hill and Gibbons to do some incredible dancing while they played. Both of them duckwalked and performed many other slick steps. Their dancing, along with a tremendous laser show, kept the fans in awe.

Although they have not been on tour in four years, ZZ Top has not forgotten how to put on a great show. When I left the Centrum, there was no doubt in my mind that it was the best show they could have possibly done. It was incredible. ZZ Top has been consistently superior throughout their many years in the business and it looks as if they are planing on keeping that image. n


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i love this so much!