The Breeders | Teen Ink

The Breeders MAG

By Anonymous

   The Breeders - "Last Splash"

The Breeders' debut album entitled "Last Splash" is a creative new look at music. The Breeders' musicians include sisters Kelly and Kim Deal on vocals and guitar, Jim MacPherson on drums and Josephine Wiggs on bass.

The 15-track CD includes the popular song "Cannonball," the first release, making "Last Splash" a popular sale. This foursome attracts many different crowds who appreciate the biting essence of this alternative style music.

The talented Kim Deal can be credited for her powerful and mysterious voice. She is also responsible for co-producing the group's first album with Mark Freegard. The versatility of Deal and the other band members is evident throughout its songs.

Ranging from lulling melodies to quick-paced pieces, "Last Splash" offers a range of different sounds and moods. Each song has its own personality that sends a message to the listener.

The lyrics are powerful and catchy, like in the song "I Just Wanna Get Along." This song comments on the odd ways of the world: "If you are so special, why aren't you dead," which expresses the ironic fame that is gained only after death.

Opening for Nirvana in Springfield, Massachusetts, The Breeders instantly gained unsuspecting fans. As viewers rose to their feet, the crowd became a huge mass of swaying bodies, captivated by the unusual group of musicians on stage.

Additional instruments that "Last Splash" uses include the violin, a cassiotone, a cello, drums and a double bass. Because each song uses different instruments, it gives each song an individualized sound.

"Last Splash" is not to be missed! Pick up this melodic album and enjoy! .

Review by S. B., Palmer, MA

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i love this so much!