Beauty and the Beast | Teen Ink

Beauty and the Beast

June 13, 2017
By TessD. SILVER, Lewes, Delaware
TessD. SILVER, Lewes, Delaware
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be yourself no matter what anyone else thinks"

A single petal gently falls from a blood red rose. This rose is a spell, enchanted and magical.  Brown and tan fur slowly begins to cover a young prince’s self-being. Claws and paws replace his hands while fangs sprout out from beneath his lips. Suddenly, a girl dressed in blue shuffles into the picture, and changes everything.


Much hype has built up over the new live action movie of the Disney classic Beauty and the Beast staring Emma Watson as Belle and Dan Stevens as the Beast, directed by Bill Condon. This movie revolved around a prince who got transformed into a not traditionally pretty beast for his insolent ways. The only solution to breaking the spell involved falling in love someone and receiving their love in return. Every girl admired Disney princesses especially Belle, the kind- and- spunky girl. Along with how the producers brought the enchanted objects to life. When the public witnessed the preview of the innovated movie, many anticipated for 100 years for the film to enter the big screen. I was fortunate to experience the first showing at Midway movie theaters.

This was a PG rated film due to exciting action scenes. (This was in the battle scenes.) I’d recommend this movie to children aged five and up. The parents shouldn’t bring children under the age of five to see this film since it’s a two -hour movie, and young children may not be able to remain seated. They may be startled by a few of the scenes. Petite children are as well behaved as a wild pony. However, children will be enchanted by living household objects while the parents will be having flashbacks of when they saw the original 1991 animated version in theaters.

While sitting in my seat enjoying the movie as well as the freshly popped popcorn, the gooey liquid gold already greasing up my fingers, I absorbed every element of the film. The sets, music, and special effects. By the end of the showing: all I could say, was wow. This live action blew the animated version out of the water. For starters, the music was spectacular. Many fans weren’t sure if Hermione Granger could successfully pull off the singing voice of the iconic character, but can I tell you, she did. In the musical number “Belle”, Emma Watsons voice is stunning. She hits each note perfectly and truly stands out from the crowd of people.  Not to mention, the famous number sung by Lumiere, “Be Our Guest”. There were so many elements happening at once. The florescent lights, dancing flatware and dishes, to the feather dusters doing twirls. Each resident of the enchanted castle truly brought the number together and showed Belle her new home wouldn’t be as bad as she thought. My mouth watered over the thought of tasting, “Beef ragout, cheese soufflé, pie and pudding en flambé” which is being served to Belle.   In addition, the beautiful waltz scene to “Tale as old as Time” sung by the motherly Mrs. Potts. This arrangement of the romantic theme song was exquisite. Not to mention, the song numbers made for a successful movie.

In addition, the special effects. Each enchanted object in the castle were edited into most of the scenes, like the big musical number “Be Our Guest” The animators of this film made me feel as though the enchanted objects like the clock the worry wart clock Cogsworth and the suave candlestick Lumiere were truly living objects and not just a work of the computer. Not to mention, it’s hard to believe that the enchanted objects were digitally added in. When the final rose petal fell they, all became lifeless antiques. At that moment, each unique personality as well as any memory of the members in the enchanted castle vanished.

Plus, the sets made the audience feel as though they lived in Belle’s “poor provincial town” and the enchanted castle. The village had a busy sort of vibe, lots of hustle and bustle going on from the baker trying to sell his bread and rolls, I felt like the bakers wife as he yelled, “Marie the baguettes hurry up”, to the dress shop where the three silly girls each wearing their custom-made peach colored silk gowns and flowered hats were swooning over the handsome (yet extremely narcissus Gaston), etc.  The enchanted castle was absolutely beautiful. At first, the castle looked abandon, dusty cobwebs hung from the chandeliers, while the baby blue and gold harpsicord tapped his cracked keys playing a sorrowful tune. Then when Belle entered, everything came to life. The grand ballroom was filled with light, and the library showcased its splendor of books. In addition, the forest between the two was very unique as well. The first half was a vibrant green forest that melted into a snowy forest filled with wolves that cloaked the hidden castle.

This film was so breathtaking; there were too many elements to describe. The movie will touch your heart and change your life. This movie will leave the fans thinking, “who could ever learn to love a beast?”     

The author's comments:

This year in writing class, my class was assigned with writing a New York Times review on a topic of our choice. At the time, the The 2017 live action Beauty and the Beast movie was about to air in theaters and I was dying to see it. So, after I saw it in theaters, I chose to write my review on the movie. People who read this review would get a nice idea of the plot of the movie without any spoilers. I also included a few warning messages for the parents of  younger viewers who were wishing to see the movie.


This article has 3 comments.

on Jun. 24 2017 at 7:37 pm
DEBYM BRONZE, Georgetown, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments
your welcome!

TessD. SILVER said...
on Jun. 23 2017 at 9:04 pm
TessD. SILVER, Lewes, Delaware
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be yourself no matter what anyone else thinks"

Thank you very much!

on Jun. 22 2017 at 12:57 pm
DEBYM BRONZE, Georgetown, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Hey, Tess I read your review it was real good :)