If I Stay | Teen Ink

If I Stay

January 24, 2017
By md2020 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
md2020 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dying. What is it like? After Mia Hall gets in a car accident with her family, she gets put into a coma; she has an out-of-body experience. She must decide whether she should go, or wake up and live a life she never thought she would have to live. “If I stay” is a tip-top movie. I will explain why by starting with what the movie is about, then I will talk about the characters, and then lastly, state my opinion.


“If I Stay” is a drama/romance movie released in 2014. The age group for this movie would be teen/young adult. When what should’ve been a fun drive to grandma and grandpa’s farm turns into a terrible accident, Mia hall gets put into a coma. During her coma, she has an out of body phenomenon, and can see what’s happening in the world around her. Mia’s boyfriend, Adam, has a far different future from hers. Her dream is to go to Juilliard for music. She has the power to choose if she stays or dies. However, if she stays, will her life change for the love of her life?

The main character of the movie is Mia Hall and is played by Chloe Grace Moretz, and her boyfriend, Adam, is played by Jamie Blackley. Mireille Enos portrays Mia’s mom, Kat. Her dad, Denny, is played by Joshua Leonard. Jakob Davies is her little brother, Teddy. Both the actors and actresses do a fantastic job in this film.

In my opinion, I think this movie is wonderful and I love it! If you’re a teen/young adult and like romance movies and drama, I think this would be a great movie for you to watch. Honestly, I don’t think anything could be better about this movie. It is exciting and may also be a tearjerker for some, which I like.

So, I just told you what the movie is a about, the characters, and my personal opinion about the movie. You can really see what it’s like to be in a coma and almost on the verge of dying. This movie is somewhat of a thrill, you are waiting to know if she stays or goes, but also about romance and young love. I would recommend this movie. 


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