The Maze Runner | Teen Ink

The Maze Runner

November 16, 2016
By TylerHolmes BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
TylerHolmes BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every morning you have a choice, fall back asleep and dream, or wake up and chase them.

The Maze Runner is a fantastic movie for anyone who loves twisting plots, and non-stop adventure. Rated 65 percent by rotten tomatoes, the film is one of the best of its era, and is sure to have your heart pounding till the end. A winding, unpredictable tale, the Maze Runner follows a teenage genius by the name of Thomas.

Thomas wakes up at first in an elevator of sorts, with no memory but his name. When the elevator reaches the top, he is helped out of it by others who say they are just like him. They call themselves the gladers, and they live in what they call the glade. None of them can remember anything about life before the glade, but they are all driven to escape it. Thomas learns about the community of the glade, and is content, until he hears about the runners. Once his interest is peaked, he begins to ask questions. He learns that the gladers are trapped inside the glade by a maze, made of high stone walls that move every night. And that patrolling the maze are grievers. Half animal-half robot, nobody has fought a griever and lived to tell about it. However, when the first girl ever arrives at the glade, strange things begin happening. Thomas begins to realize he can remember more about life outside, and other gladers who have been stung by a griever begin attacking him. When Thomas and the new girl begin communicating in telepathy, Thomas realizes something could be very wrong, The glade stops functioning normally, and if they don’t get out fast, they could all face death. Thomas is one of the last pieces of the puzzle, and once the maze runner solves the maze, it seems that his journey has just begun.

The relationships formed by the gladers throughout the movie hook on how in the darkest of times, in the midst of confusion and sometimes chaos, human bonds can knock down even the tallest of obstacles. In the Maze Runner, there is a certain point when Thomas must bring the gladers together, and it is during this scene that the most powerful example of camaraderie shines. If people in the real world were united for a single cause, we would have the power to fix more than half the problems facing our world. This film shows us how much more we can be, and if you want to be more, this movie is a must watch.

The Maze Runner’s origins come from brilliant best-selling author James Dashner. His book, going by the same name, is what drove producers to make the movie. The book, released in 2009, was one of four books, and the second movie of the dystology is already playing.

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