Ridiculous Six | Teen Ink

Ridiculous Six

May 6, 2016
By zach-shipley BRONZE, Mt. Sterling , Ohio
zach-shipley BRONZE, Mt. Sterling , Ohio
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The movie, “Ridiculous Six,” was released early december of 2015. The movie itself was well written and the characters were very funny.  Overall, I found this movie to be enjoyable and fun to watch. 

The movie, Ridiculous Six, was written by Frank Coraci, who is best known for working with Adam sandler.  The movie, screenplay, and character developments were written by Tim Herlihy with the help of Adam Sandler.  There are many actors in the movie but the larger roles are played by:

Adam Sandler as Tommy 'White Knife' Stockburn
Terry Crews as Chico
Jorge Garcia as Herm
Taylor Lautner as Lil' Pete
Rob Schneider as Ramon
Luke Wilson as Danny

The actors are funny and many have worked together which may improve the quality of the movie because the actors and /or actresses were comfortable with their integrated styles.  Also the director, having plenty of experience with Adam Sandler, knows how to get the best out of him.  The final cut of the movie was 120 minutes in length and was easy to view in a single sitting.  

The setting of the movie was taken in the Wild West, where Tommy sets off to save his father who was kidnapped by a band of thieves.  The kidnappers desired to steal money which Frank, the father, had obtained from a bank robbery and in classic wild Wild West style buried under a tree.  Fifty thousand dollars ransom was required, since Frank would not give up the location of the loot, which sets up a comedy of errors.  Early in Tommy’s journey he discovers that he has five half brothers who have never met the father, yet decide to assist.  The brothers then embark together and find themselves in a variety of comical situations while they attempt to save their father. 

The plot in general flows smoothly but at times the movie seems to jump from scene to scene.  This is witnessed several times, and as an example in the movie, the brothers are learning a new game, which is not new to us, called baseball.  The brothers are playing for almost three minutes (of screen time) but the screenplay awkwardly and swiftly switches scenes.  Despite the occasional choppy switching, the movie was overall easy to follow and in particular the humour in this movie is great.  It ranges from a diarrhea spewing burro to Mark Twain busting out some rhymes.  It will make almost anyone laugh and there are plenty of opportunities to laugh while viewing the movie.

Although the movie was good, I believe it had some areas that were in need of improvement.  As stated in the last paragraph, the flow of events were at times confusing but overall the storyline was well developed.  The movie took place in the Wild West, during a period of time when indians were not generally liked, which this movie seemed to capture.  The interactions with the Indians included teasing, humiliating, and even included demeaning names, which may be offensive to some parties.  In one scene a bad group of bandits had guessed a young female indian’s name and they had said, “beaver breath” because they claimed that her breath had smelled bad.  Turns out the girl is actually named “beaver breath”.  The use of profanity was also commonly overused throughout the movie.  A good movie can be made without the use of profanity and in many instances profanity was used to develop humor instead of the plot or screenplay itself.  Those downturns have only a small effect on the movie but were notable enough to point out.

In general “The Ridiculous Six” is a good and humorous movie.  Overall the movie was structured well and is played out well by the characters.  I would rate this movie a seven out of ten, however if some of the shortcomings are acceptable by others, it may be enjoyed as an eight or higher.  This movie supports viewing by ages fourteen or above.  The profanity and the racism is just too much for younger age children and should have been considered while making this movie, if the goal was a younger audience.  If you are of the age recommendations I would suggest watching this movie because it is a fun watch and is very humorous.

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