The Revenant | Teen Ink

The Revenant

March 11, 2016
By BenandJerry BRONZE, Nebraska, Iowa
BenandJerry BRONZE, Nebraska, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Revenant Review:  ”Revenant” comes from the French word revenir, which means, “to return.”

Watching The Revenant is a picture perfect, unimaginable experience, compelling and gripping to anyone who has eyes for the remarkable. Hugh Glass played by Leonardo DiCaprio stars as a man fighting for survival and by the titles very definition, returning to get revenge on a brutal man John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy), who kills his Native American son known as Hawk. Experiencing this film is riveting, frightening and painful, leaving you mind blown of its beauty as a movie, but also in pain because of its realness. The Huskiness in his voice as he tries to speak after the brutal bear attack, left my throat aching.

Leo blows us all away anytime he stars in a movie, but The Revenant is by far his best work yet. The shocking amount of real endurance to play the part of Hugh Glass leaves us astounded by Leos abilities to turn from just an actor to a man of cinematic history. Everyone believes with this piece of art, his time has finally come to win an Oscar and to show the world what he is really made of.

A true story from such a long time ago was shown so literally and beautifully that anyone who watches The Revenant will be amazed and if not, there must be something seriously wrong with you.

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