The Giver | Teen Ink

The Giver

December 17, 2015
By HollyJ BRONZE, Baxter, Iowa
HollyJ BRONZE, Baxter, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Giver directed by Phillip Noyce is an amazing movie. The movie takes place in a community where everyone is the same. It is about a boy named Jonas who lived in a community that doesn’t allow anyone to be different. All of the decisions like what your job would be or who you marry is decided by the Chief Elder. Jonas is assigned the job Receiver which means he would receive the truth about the real world. Overall, I really liked this movie because it was a little bit different than the book.

One thing I liked about this movie is how many details they added to it. They also added scenes that didn’t happen in the book. For example at the end of the movie they added some things that didn’t weren’t in the book. I like how they changed the end up a little bit in the movie because I think it was better the way it ended. They didn’t leave it as a cliffhanger like they did in the book.

Another thing I liked about the movie is how it followed the events in the book, but made them better. Since I read the book first, it was fun to actually see the characters doing the scene. For example when Jonas skipped his injections you could see what exactly he did to skip his injections. Or when the Giver was giving Jonas the memories you could see what Jonas was seeing. You could also see Fiona’s red hair when they said in the book that her hair was really red.

Overall, I really liked the movie because it was very interesting and well thought out. I liked this movie because it was like the book, only better. It also had a lot of details and changed the book just a little bit. I really liked the changes in the movie because it just made it more interesting. I would definitely recommend this movie, but I would recommend to read the book first so you could understand it a little bit more and relate it to the book.

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