American Sniper | Teen Ink

American Sniper

September 15, 2015
By noahfunk1 BRONZE, Calgary, Other
noahfunk1 BRONZE, Calgary, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This movie is about a man who goes to war in Iraq and has to do some very questionable things to protect his team, including things like killing women and children who present a threat to him or his team. Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper) of the US navy seals is a precision shooter and has made some shots that no trained marksman would dream of taking, including a confirmed kill at 2100 yards. with 255 kills on just four tours in Iraq, Chris is considered a legend.  Later on it shows the effects of being in the war and having witness and take part in such diminishing acts. When he's home with his family he treats them like his team back in Iraq by thinking that everyone is always out to get them. If anything happens to the ones he loves he gets angry and violent and almost like he’s in a sociopathic rage. He struggles to be a good father and husband but the effects of war are far greater than i could’ve imagined, if i were him i would have gone insane. To me this movie is a realization of what being in the war can do to a man. Other reviewers suggest that this movie was a waste of effort but i think it addresses a very real problem in this world, something that no man should ever have to go through.

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