Riddick | Teen Ink


May 7, 2014
By AndrewDiner SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
AndrewDiner SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
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Vin Diesel is an excellent actor and was the perfect pick for the Riddick trilogy. This movie was consistent with the others in its series, and it is easy to follow as it references back to the other movie a few times. Riddick by David Twohy is not a child’s movie; it really makes you think about what will come next. I found a few parts of the movie to be subtly funny and even laugh out loud able, but not an overwhelming amount of humor that it could be thought of as a comedy. The realism from the actors and the CGI was outstanding, the actors reacted realistically, and the graphics were done well. In an average horror film the actors would split up and search for Riddick, but the actors stuck together to keep the headquarters secure. The originality of the planet and the creatures that inhabited the planet were breathtaking.
The performance by Jordi Mollá as Santana the bounty hunter was excellent; a greedy big mouth guy depending completely on his crew. Dave Bautista as Diaz, the muscle behind Santana’s crew, and he is a little twisted. As someone who has never had a dog before, but wanted one when I was younger, it really gave me an idea of a relationship of a man and his dog. The reaction Riddick had when his best friend was killed was priceless. Though the graphics were quite good in this movie, I felt that the previous movies of the series where much better.
David Twohy introduced the characters eloquently by showing more than telling. Riddick was a ruthless hunter, and then when he ran into the head hunters, he was treated like an animal and, at first a prisoner. The beginning was like an adventure into becoming inhumane, Riddick started out describing a situation where he let people too close.

There was no reality in this movie; it was a different planet in a different universe. The only things relating to the real world are humans, and even they have super human strength. If someone were to compare this to a yardstick, the most accurate yardstick would be escape from reality. As I watched the movie, I started to think like Riddick would, I started to imagine what I would do if I were in his shoes in the real world. I don’t think that other reviewers give Riddick the credit it deserves; some of my fellow connoisseurs of movies have claimed that this is just the same movie as the last, but with different characters. I would disagree, this movie was completely original.

I saw no flaws in the consistency throughout the movie, some of the monsters were unexplained as to how their little societies work. I think that a little more on the scorpion creatures would have been interesting, but I like how they still showed how Riddick adapted to the neurotoxins.

The story was probably the lowest part of the movie, I felt this movie was a filler for one of the next upcoming movies. The story line kind of went off onto a tangent, there was useless story and build up into a different story. I liked how they had a some tension build up and internal arguments within the groups. Some drama as well when Riddick’s only friend was in danger, and they couldn’t kill him, so they had to use extreme measures.

For lovers of Vin Diesel or even lovers of the Riddick trilogy, I would strongly advise getting your holds on this movie. If you are just hopping into the series, you will still have lots of fun watching it, but some references will not be clear. If you’re looking for a movie to pass the time or make you think, this movie will not do the trick.

The author's comments:
I Loved this movie and its series

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