The Wolf of Wall Street | Teen Ink

The Wolf of Wall Street

May 7, 2014
By Billas BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Billas BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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You know that cliché “Love at first sight?” Well that’s what it was when I first watched the first scene of The Wolf of Wall Street when it came out on Christmas. You may assume that I enjoyed the 3 hour film because of the excessive amounts of sex and nudity, but it wasn’t that. It was the quality of acting from Leonardo DiCaprio. Martin Scorsese's, "The Wolf of Wall Street" is shameless. The film is filled with excitement and exhaustion and it is claimed to be one of the most entertaining films ever made about loathsome men. Leonardo swept me off my feet when I saw the high energy he displayed as Jordan Belfort, an unapologetic a moral hedonist. Honestly, I became enamored with the story that consists of the high end life style of a stock broker who lives like a rock star with endless amounts of money. One line that Belfort says early on in the movie, “My name is Jordan Belfort. The year I turned 26, I made 49 million dollars, which really pissed me off because it was three shy of a million a week.” Another aspect I loved of Scorsese’s film is it had a similar feel of Goodfellas, (my favorite movie of all time) with the self-narration. I understood Scorsese’s goal for The Wolf of Wall Street to play the market differently. He sells us the sleaze, and sells it hard with the lifestyle of the rich crooks of Stratton Oakmont (Belfort’s Stock firm). However, doesn’t pay out in the way we expect. You may think I am crazy, but I really enjoyed and was intrigued watching what the typical week at Stratton Oakmont. During the movie I did not want it to end. My mind was fascinated and also amused during the 3 hour movie and that is why The Wolf of Wall Street is the only movie I gave 5 stars. Go see it!

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