Amazing Spiderman 2 | Teen Ink

Amazing Spiderman 2

May 6, 2014
By Cyber-Skull PLATINUM, Norfolk, Virginia
Cyber-Skull PLATINUM, Norfolk, Virginia
40 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Why so serious?&quot; -Heath Ledger as The Joker<br /> <br /> &quot;BOOST!&quot; -Welsh Dragon Armor; High School DxD

Even though I had this movie spoiled for me, it doesn't necessarily mean it was a bad film. Here's my review of:
The Amazing Spiderman 2. The first amazing spiderman was a reboot of Sam Rami's original spiderman trilogy. It had a couple bugs with it (mostly with the villain) but overall it was pretty good. However, this one wasn't as fortunate.

First of all, let's discuss the good. The effects were greatly improved since the last one. When spiderman is doing what spiderman does, it looks great. I love watching the guy web swing. Andrew Garfield still rocks the role of spiderman. The guy looks 30, but he acts like a teenager better than anyone else who played spiderman in media (except maybe for the spectacular spiderman series). He's hilarious as spiderman, and when he gets serious; it makes you want to chant "Spidey! Spidey! Spidey!" I'm looking forward to seeing him in later films. Also, the new costume looks great. When I first saw it in the trailer, I thought it looked too CG. But seeing it here, it looks much more realistic than the Sam Rami Spiderman. Then there's Electro: awesome. When I heard Jamie fox was suppose to play electro, I was resentful at first; until I remembered that these movies are playing off of the ultimate spiderman universe. After that obvious realization, Jamie fox stood out as 'the' definitive Electro. Electro looks really cool too. His blue skin is almost see through. And the veins move like electric wires. His design was wicked.

As for the other two villains; Goblin's design wasn't from the ultimate universe (thank you marvel) and looks more like a legit goblin from the comics, glider and all. Rhino isn't really worth mentioning since he only shows up in the suit the last 5 minutes of the film, but he's in there simply to build up a sinister six movie. So far we have goblin, rhino, and electro. In the movie you can also see doctor octopus' tentacles and vulture's wings, so that's five. And the last one could be either Kraven, Chameleon, or who knows? Who do you think the sixth member will be? Comment below.

Now what did I have a problem with while watching the movie: the plot. The plot is to tell the audience something that they already know: Oscorp is bad. Seriously, that was the plot. Peter learns more about his parents and learns that obvious fact. Also, the major spoiler that put a major dent in the movie a was... Well if you read the comics or know the lore; when Gwen and Goblin are in the same situation... I'm trying to not spoil it for those who haven't seen it but put two and two together and you'll know what I mean. Or see the movie for yourselves and take a wild guess.

But overall, the movie was fun. It's a fun movie for spiderman fans. This movie is a 3.4 out of 5: a good movie. Also a must see for spiderman fans. So have you seen amazing spiderman 2? What did you think? Comment below, let me know. And you know the rest. Bye bye.

The author's comments:
Yes this movie was spoiled for me; but I kinda saw it coming.


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