Juno | Teen Ink


December 3, 2008
By Jossplosion BRONZE, York, Pennsylvania
Jossplosion BRONZE, York, Pennsylvania
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

After one time, Juno MacGuff becomes pregnant with the child of her best friend, Paulie Bleeker. However, Juno and Bleeker aren't dating and they definitely don't plan on raising a kid. So Juno decides to get an abortion without even telling her parents. Juno couldn't go through with the abortion and told her parents and she decides to resort to adoption. The adoptive family is Vanessa and Mark Loring, but there then become issues with that too. And of course what happens to Paulie Bleeker and Juno's friendship.. Juno is an amazing movie! It really is, Juno (the character) is very unique and awesome and I think that's why people took to her so quickly! Its very unique and now the whole amazingness of the movie will probably be lost because more people will want to steal this idea! I give Juno 9.3 out of 10!!!!

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The author's comments:
I love movies so much! I hope to go into film making some day. Writing movie reviews is just one of my favorite things to do!


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