The Abyss | Teen Ink

The Abyss MAG

By Anonymous

   The title of this movie gives you an idea of the setting. It takes place mostly underwater or in a submarine.

This is a new movie from the director of Aliens, whose special effects captivated audiences. The vague plot takes a backseat to the new level of special effects they reach. However the plot doesn't seem to matter as the special effects will mesmerize you. In the opening scene a crew aboard a submarine meets with an unforeseen disaster. Another crew is sent to rescue them, including a volatile man complete with a nuclear missile. They discover a new form of life while down there, and a whole new world of light, which ultimately saves them.

This movie will leave you breathless as you realize the enormity of the task of creating the underwater scenes and the creatures of light. I think this movie is worth seeing, if not for the acting the special effects are truly dazzling.

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i love this so much!