Gross Anatomy | Teen Ink

Gross Anatomy MAG

By Anonymous

   This movie focuses on first year medical students encountering death first hand in one of their classes, "Gross Anatomy 101." Matthew Modine plays Joe Slovak, son of a fisherman with unorthodox study methods. Daphne Zuniga plays Lauren, a daughter of a surgeon, who only wants to concentrate on her career. Christine Lahti gives a strong performance as Professor Woodrow, a demanding, willful teacher, who urges the best from her students.

"Gross Anatomy" reveals the reality of medical school: the grueling study hours, the hours of reading, and understanding the most intricate procedures. The movie follows this lab group from their first dissection to the posting of the year finals.

Matthew Modine dominates this film in his portrayal of a laid-back individual who realizes he can live his dream as a doctor. This movie gave me a clear picture of the pressure medical students experience and the grueling work they go through to achieve their goals. This movie is realistically accurate with strong performances, and sparkling wit in places makes it most enjoyable.n

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i love this so much!