American Hustle Review | Teen Ink

American Hustle Review

January 13, 2014
By FernandoAtTheMovies PLATINUM, San Diego, California
FernandoAtTheMovies PLATINUM, San Diego, California
34 articles 0 photos 1 comment

David O' Russell reunites with these cast members to bring us his new film, American Hustle. This film, as said by the intro are that "these events actually happened", is when an FBI Agent(Bradley Cooper) forces two con artist(Christian Bale and Amy Adams) to help him take down corrupt politics, including the Mayor of Camden, New Jersey.(Jeremy Renner)

This is the next film from director David O' Russell, famous for his films The Fighter and Silver Linings Playbook (which was one of my favorite films of 2012). Here, Russell is able to bring us a well written con-artist film that is able to mix drama with absolutely hilarious comedy. With every great scene involving the con artist and the FBI Agent, there was another great scene with perfectly executed humor. Russell was also able to perfectly direct these scenes perfectly, and was able to exceed in directing his cast.

The actors in this film all deliver some of their best performances they have ever done. Christian Bale gets lost in this astonishing performance, delivering a fine example of method acting. Amy Adams and Bradley Cooper support Bale with memorizing performance, while Jeremy Renner is able to pull off the sympathetic yet corrupt politician. But it is Christian Bale and Amy Adams that definitely shine; both of them are able to become the character, in roles that will hopefully be nominated at the 85th Oscars.

However, even though the cast did a phenomenal job with their roles, I felt that the film got lost in trying to tell the story and instead focuses on the characters. For example, Jennifer Lawrence delivered her best acting since her Oscar Winning role of Silver Linings Playbook, stealing every scene she's in and deserves an Oscar Nomination.(UPDATE: She just won the Golden Globe for Best Supportng Actress- Musical or Comedy for her role.) That being said, I felt that her role was unnecessary, as she did very little to effect the crime bust that the main cast are trying to pull off. It's weird that one of the best things about the film is also the most unnecessary, but that is my thoughts.

That is sadly the main problem with the film. Even though this film does a great job with exploring the characters, it feels that David O' Russell got lost on whether to make a film about the characters or making a very good film about bringing down politician. Luckily, O' Russell is able to blend both of them in some scenes, but some scenes didn't have an effect to the story. I would have liked if David O' Russell would have focused more on the actual crime bust than the characters, but the characters were fun to watch.

So despite that it lose focus on the actual story that it is trying to portray, American Hustle is a good film about con artist with excellent performance by the cast, and David O' Russell excellent blend of drama and humor. American Hustle is a Good Time.

The author's comments:
So despite that it lose focus on the actual story that it is trying to portray, American Hustle is a good film about con artist with excellent performance by the cast, and David O' Russell excellent blend of drama and humor. American Hustle is a Good Time.


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