Battle Of The Year | Teen Ink

Battle Of The Year

October 29, 2013
By jasmine martinez BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
jasmine martinez BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
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The movie ‘Battle of the year’, directed by Benson Lee and recently released, is the most anticipated and heartwarming movie I have seen this year. It is packed with amazing dancing, and in my opinion has the best choreography I have seen yet. The dancing is phenomenal but what can you expect when Jason Blake, played by Josh Holloway, has to create the 'Dream Team' from 12 dancers out of the whole U.S.A. for an annual tournament with teams from around the world. Josh Holloway, Josh Peck, Caity Lotz and Chris Brown all play incredible parts, and you can imagine how talented of dancing you will see in this movie.
At the beginning of the movie there is a lot of tension between the dancers and they have to learn to work together or there is no way they have a chance of winning. One of the frequent quotes in the movie was, “Change how you think, change your life.” This quote fits in with a lot of the characters’ lives and in the end they all end up as one big family.
Chris Brown says in an interview, "This film is about overcoming your obstacles, fighting for your dreams and working really hard. But also dancing and having fun and at times coming together when you don't want to." That quote depicts exactly what the movie is about and will also motivate you to do something great. It is a heartwarming movie that is a must see. Packed with laughter, tears, anger, dancing, and love, ‘Battle of the year’ has the perfect combination of elements to create a fantastic movie I recommend you watch.


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