The Matrix Revolutions | Teen Ink

The Matrix Revolutions MAG

By Anonymous

     All I have to say about this movie is one word: outstanding. I have never seen a movie so powerful, so exhilarating, and so heart-stopping. The way Keanu Reeves plays Neo is jaw-dropping. Whatever an actor must physically endure to be at the peak of his physical shape to star in a movie, he passed it. This movie calls for a lot of work due to the intense martial arts and ridiculous special effects. I feel that these people should not only be thanked, but commended.

The movie not only got me to the theater, but kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. The two other movies in the trilogy are awesome, too, but this one makes them look silly. They just keep getting better. “The Matrix Revolutions” includes a lot of computer effects that the world has not yet seen, and now this movie is making other directors rethink their technique. When this movie came out, it set new box office records. I don’t know if the world was ready for the Matrix, but I was, and it was amazing.


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i love this so much!