The Incredible Hulk | Teen Ink

The Incredible Hulk

June 25, 2013
By Anonymous

As promised, here is my review of the Incredible Hulk. And just to be clear: The Incredible Hulk movie with Edward Norton is not a sequel nor a tie-in to the Hulk movie directed by Ang Lee. It is its own movie that played a part in the Avengers build-up. Just thought I'd clear that up for you guys. Now here's the review.
The Incredible Hulk! The Incredible Hulk is the story of Bruce Banner played by Edward Norton. In the beginning, we see a flashback that shows us that Banner was a scientist working on an experiment for the military, and he sort of tested it on himself. But what could go wrong? Unless, he gets blasted with gamma radiation and gets transformed into a great big, green, rage monster and killed a few people. What? It could happen. What I enjoy about this movie is that we see his origins at the beginning, and as the movie goes on we see Bruce having more bits and pieces of flashbacks. But, we see what we need to know in the beginning credits. Banner. Military. Accident. Hulk. And now he's on the run. But it's not as cluttered as I make it seem. Because if it was, we'd have an hour and a half origin in the beginning like the Ang Lee Hulk movie: and that would be boring. But as we catch up with Banner, we see him in a Spanish speaking country, and he's trying to blend in. I love how they try and illustrate the fact that he deals with this problem he has daily. We see that he learns how to keep his pulse down with these breathing techniques, and a heartbeat monitor on his wrist. Why? Well, because Banner wants to find a cure for the Hulk, and Hulking out in the middle of a crowded city would slow down his work. Yeah. And I love it when he hulks out. You know the phrase, "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." But at his job, some a-holes beat him up, he tries to stay calm, but he hulks out, and starts tossing the humans like Frisbees. It's awesome.
And as for Edward Norton as Bruce Banner: I like it. Norton is a really talented actor. He always gets wrapped up in his roles. Edward looks a bit frail but I understand why. It's because the people behind this movie try to show a contrast between Big Hulk, and little Bruce Banner and it works. He's got the look, the physique, the talent. He makes a good Bruce Banner. As for the story, it's easy to follow. Banner's quest for a cure ends up bringing him back to the U.S., but General Ross gets a whiff of that and he's like, "No way." His mustache is huge by the way. Just saying. But anyway, as far as Ross is concerned, Bruce's whole body is property of the military. Which honestly makes sense to me. After all, he used the military's equipment, and he used their funding. So, yeah. Ross doesn't care about anyone or anything. He just wants his Hulk weapon. Speaking of that, apparently the project that Bruce was working on with the military was a part of the Super-Soldier project from WWII. You know, Captain America? They did a good job of tying that in. I'll review Captain America soon, too, by the way.
Back in the story, Bruce has to face not only the military but also Emil Blonsky, played by Tim Roffe, who gets his injection of the Hulk formula and becomes The Abomination. And I have to say, and I'm sure you all feel the same way about this, but the fight between the Hulk and Abomination was one of my least favorite parts of the movie. It's an awesome scene don't get me wrong, but it's basically just the CGI Hulk fighting the CGI Abomination. It's just one of the least interesting parts of the movie, but it's still entertaining. I understand that the Hulk is one of the more difficult characters to do, but these guys did a good job portraying the Hulk. It's entertaining, interesting, and just a blast. I'd say it's a 4.6 out of 5 with the title 'Worth buying on DVD.' Also just to clear this up, here is my rating system in case you guys were wondering:
5 out of 5 is 'Awesometastic',
4 out of 5 is 'Worth buying on DVD',
3 out of 5 is 'A good time',
2 out of 5 is 'Pretty bad but not horrible',
1 out of 5 is 'Dog sh#t',
And 0 out of 5 is 'Elephant sh#t'.
Anyway, have you seen the Incredible Hulk? What did you think? In fact, who's your favorite Superhero villain in the movies leading up to the Avengers? Comment below, let me know. And I'll get Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America, and the Avengers movies reviewed in no time. Bye-bye.

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on Jun. 30 2013 at 3:05 pm
WaffleOcean2934 PLATINUM, Rogers, Minnesota
42 articles 9 photos 116 comments

Favorite Quote:
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams-Eleanor Roosevelt

Nice work.  I like how strong your voice is in this; it really stands out.  Your rating system is very funny!