Field of Dreams | Teen Ink

Field of Dreams

March 19, 2013
By jeppi25 BRONZE, Roslyn Heights, New York
jeppi25 BRONZE, Roslyn Heights, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The film Field of Dreams is based on the novel “Shoeless” Joe, by W.P. Kinsella. In the film Field of Dreams. Ray Kinsella played by Kevin Costner is haunted by his past. When Ray was young, he didn’t have a strong relationship with his father. He would play catch with him until he was 14. When Ray went to college, that was the last time he talked with his father. His father was a minor league baseball player who then retired and worked at the docks and became distant. 10 years later Ray and his family lived in Iowa. Ray thought he was going insane because he heard a voice that said, “If you build it he will come.” Ray found that as a sign so he plowed a majority of his corn and build a baseball field. The baseball field attracted the ghost of “Shoeless” Joe Jackson.

This was one of Kevin Costner’s best films. He portrayed the character very well. Amy Madigan played Annie Kinsella, Ray’s wife. There could not have been two other people to play the parts more perfectly. They seemed to work together very well. There could have been some more music. The only time there was music was in the last scene. That would have made the movie more emotional. The cinematography in this film was greatly portrayed. The way the farm and the field was shown was beautiful and very artistic. It really showed the viewer how big the Kinsella’s farm was.

The film had a different take on sports films. It film was emotional and moving film. It showed how one mans past led him to affect many people.

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