A Walk to Remember | Teen Ink

A Walk to Remember

May 8, 2012
By Channing Merritt BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Channing Merritt BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Walk to Remember, based on the story written by Nicolas Sparks, is a capturing tale of young love, spirituality and faith. From the very beginning it grabbed my attention with relatable teenage acts of rebellion.
The movie follows 18 year olds Landon Carter and Jamie Sullivan, two very different characters. Jamie, the daughter of a preacher, is known for her strong faith and belief in God, whereas Landon is a boy who occasionally treads down the wrong path with alcohol and rebellion. Once the lives of these two characters are intertwined, Landon finds that Jamie is making him a better person through love and faith. However, Landon soon learns of a secret that will change everything.
When compared to the book, the movie takes on a modern feel. This seemed to increase my interest in the story as I could relate to the situations, characters, and attitudes. Also, I could really feel the emotions that each character portrays and I could truly understand the depth of Landon and Jamie’s love. One line that really spoke out to me was at the very end as the narrative voice of Landon Carter says, “Our love is like the wind. I can’t see it, but I can feel it.” After this line, the music plays and the credits role. This seemed to be a very artistic way to end the movie as it leaves the audience feeling connected with Landon’s emotions and thoughts. The romantic and thought provoking storyline of A Walk to Remember, in essence, makes it a movie never to be forgotten.


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