We Bought a Zoo | Teen Ink

We Bought a Zoo

January 6, 2012
By McCool BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
McCool BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I went to the movies with my eight year old sister I thought I was going to see the stereotypical children’s story. I turned out to be the best movie I have seen in along time. The movie I saw was We Bought a Zoo. This movie was directed by Cameron Crowe and combines comedy, hardship, and drama into one amazing movie.

It starts out showing Benjamin Mee, played by Matt Damon, as a struggling single father who is trying to raise his two kids by himself. You find out that his wife had become sick and passed away. Dylan Mee, played by Colin Ford, is struggling to get over his mother’s death and tries to raise his little sister. Rosie Mee, played by Maggie Jones, tries to understand why her mother left her and just wants to start over in a new place. They look at many houses and finally fall in love with an older house but it has a catch. The house is also a zoo and whoever buys it has to reopen the zoo. The family struggles through money problems and beats all odds to reopen the zoo.

This movie has everything from tigers to romance and combines them into a wonderful motion picture. I loved how it had some dark humor but still made it so little kids could see it. The actors do a flawless job portraying the characters emotions and make you feel the same way. It is perfect for all ages and will be enjoyed by all.


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