New Moon | Teen Ink

New Moon

November 22, 2009
By lovethelifeyoulive BRONZE, Ft. Gibson, Oklahoma
lovethelifeyoulive BRONZE, Ft. Gibson, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt.

I have read all the twilight saga and loved all 4 parts that Stephenie Meyer has so far created; Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. I saw Twilight in theatres the first day it came out, and remember walking out of the theatre to find a line stretching all the way outside the door. So, I guess you could say that I am definetly a true twilight fan.

With that being said, I bet you can more than imagine how happy I was when I found out that they were indeed going to make New Moon a movie as well. I could not wait to see Bella, The Cullens, and of course a crucial part of New Moon... Jacob Black.

I thought that the change of directors was a good descision seeing that New Moon had more parts of the book actually included in the movie. Although, I do realize that it is nearly impossible to bring a book exactly as it is alive on the big screen, I dont think the director of Twilight did as good a job as the new director of New Moon. Don't get me wrong though, I think they both did an amazing job.

I thought the actors did a excellent job portraying their characters especially Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black. I dont think any one could play that part better then he can. Although, Edward who is played by Robert Pattinson wasn't included so much in this movie rather then Twilight like the book, I still think he did a great job with the parts he was included in. Kristen Stewart as always did a awesome job playing Bella as well as the actors who played the rest of the Cullen Family; Alice, Jasper, Emmet, Rosalie, Carlisle, and Esme.

I think it definetly showed that New Moon had a bit bigger budget then Twilight. Also, I think they did a good job with the werewolve special effects. The special effects werent spectaculuar but nonethenless good. Overall, I think they succeeded sticking to the overall storyline and plot of the book, which is very important. I only had one problem with this movie, I think they couldve left off at a better place than Edward asking Bella to marry him. Although cliffhangers are good that isnt exactly the way the book ended or how I envisioned the movie would end. In my opinion though one small flaw cant make or break the movie.

Now, I just have one last question for you. Team Edward or Jacob?

The author's comments:
I kind of wrote this on the spot, so sorry if its not the best quality. (:

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