Dune Part 2 Review | Teen Ink

Dune Part 2 Review

April 29, 2024
By connormurrenus BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
connormurrenus BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I watched the new Dune Part 2 movie. 

This movie follows a young boy, Paul, whose royal family was killed and now has to live with the natives of this new world called Dune, where there is no water and all sand. All Paul has left is his mother who is a witch-like religious figure. He is also a part of this prophecy, in which a man saves the sand world, Dune, and brings it to paradise. Paul takes advantage of the false prophecy and rises to power, using their hope and faith against them. Paul does not only for his loyalty to the natives but to seek revenge for his family's death. 

Some strong points in this movie are the acting, the score, and the cinematography. The performance that Timothee Chalamet put on was Oscar-level. Stealing the spotlight in every scene, his power was felt through the screen. He had a serious, breathtaking tone, and motive when he was on screen unlike anyone else. The confidence that Timothee Chalamet uses is what carries this character. 

Austin Butler's performance was also spot on with him getting into character. Zendaya also played a huge role in this movie as the main character's mistress. She does a great job showing resentment towards Paul.

The score for this movie was a masterpiece. Each shot felt so dramatic from the orchestra music. It was so loud and overpowering just like Paul in this movie. It fits so well with the character and made this movie 10x better. It also helped convey the loyalty the natives have to Paul and how much they are willing to do for him. 

The cinematography for this movie was also great. All CGI was done to perfection. So many scenes were shot uniquely, with the camera starting from different spots and wide spans. The riding the sandworm scene was the best scene in the movie because of the way they filmed. They set Paul to the highest dune and had a wide shot of him standing there calling a big sandworm. You can see a cloud of dust in the back coming towards him. Then right before it gets to him it jumps out of the sand, the size of multiple buildings, and hits right under him. You can see the sand crumbling under him and the worm moving across as he jumps on. It shows him barely holding onto the beast with sand flying everywhere. The music starts going crazy as he starts to rise and get a hold of the worm. The camera pans out and we see Paul riding the worm. This was such a big scene and had to be dramatic to show that Paul is a native at heart. Overall very clever with the camera work by Denis Villeneuve. 

Some weak points about this movie are that I thought the Christopher Walken was not a good choice for the emperor. He wasn’t very compelling and didn’t give a big presence in the movie. Another weak point was how we only saw Dune instead of some of the other planets. We are shown three different planets and only get three min of one and zero of another. Another thing is that they leave a lot of unanswered questions and leave you asking why someone did that. Another movie is coming soon in the next few years to complete the trilogy.

But overall this movie was very impressive and I highly recommend people go and watch it. The acting, score, and camera work will blow you away. I think this movie is a masterpiece but can be confusing for the normal watcher. It is a very complete movie and is almost a complete replica of the books. Unlike any other movie. I rate this movie a 9.6.

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