Halo 4: Forward unto Dawn | Teen Ink

Halo 4: Forward unto Dawn

April 26, 2024
By nibba_pig BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
nibba_pig BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve played the Halo games since I was little. My dad owned an original Xbox that we used to play Halo 1 and 2 along with every Xbox console and halo game to come out after that. I really love all the plots and gameplay for all these games and still to this day I go back and play these games over and over, knowing basically everything about them. 

So, deciding to watch Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn was a natural decision. I was really hoping for some nostalgic scenery that brings back the good memories of playing these games for me as well as all the different, addicting routes and storylines.

The Halo games primarily revolve around the epic struggle between humanity and an alien alliance known as the Covenant, set in the 26th century. The series follows the missions of Master Chief (John - 117), the legendary spartan supersoldier often referred to as Demon or The Machine. For example “THE DEMON IS HERE!” said the grunt or “She said that to me once… about being a machine.” said Cortana. Cortana is an AI companion who accompanies chief as they fight to save humanity from various threats.

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn is a movie set in the gap between the games Halo 3 and Halo 4. It follows the main character Thomas Lasky, a young cadet at the Corbulo Academy of Military Science. The movie goes over how he fights his way through the academy and the study of war. Lasky struggles because he is stubborn, unteachable and he believes that no one should be killed. Essentially he believes in peace all around and less death. Then one night the academy comes under attack by the Covenant. The cadets and Lasky follow alongside Master Chief as they must fight for survival against the covenant trying to destroy the planet. 

The movie follows themes of heroic figures and great sacrifices. It goes into the early days of the Human and Covenant war, the whole reason why they are training cadets. With all the great special effects and action scenes it really brings to life spartan battle. Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn is extremely out of its timeline, for a movie made 12 years ago it really captures the view of being futuristic. 

In conclusion, Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn is an amazing movie that covers the vast war going on in the halo universe. No matter where you are, no one is safe. As Master Chief once said “I thought we had a truce with the covenant?”. “A lot can happen in 4 years.”

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This is a review about the movie Halo 4: Forward unto Dawn

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