The Proposal | Teen Ink

The Proposal

March 28, 2023
By Anonymous

Captivating, hilarious, and feel-good. These are the words that come to mind when talking about the movie "The Proposal". Starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. I think this movie was made for the two of them because their personalities contrast with each other perfectly which makes the actors so much more interesting to watch. It is somewhat of a predictable movie because it is so funny although being a rom-com it works well. Also, it is a great comedy without being too cheesy. The Proposal is full of touching romance scenes, which in my opinion aren't uncomfortable to watch. I would absolutely recommend this movie for someone who is looking for a good laugh with a little bit of drama and romance at the same time.

This essay has spoilers by the way. “The Proposal” was made on July 19, 2009, And it follows the story of Margaret Tait (Sandra Bullock) along with her assistant Andrew Paxton. (Ryan Reynolds) Who she is said to be engaged to because she is an illegal immigrant. Andrew wants a few things from Magaret first. These demands include that she flies home with him to meet his family and to make him an editor at their book company.  Immigration office is on them, They must still try to find a way to get married. So that Margaret doesn't have to leave the country.

Leaving the country is bad, but this movie is so good. There are so many great parts. The actors that are in it are hilarious. Betty White is in this movie and I think she makes it so funny. There are scenes where she dances in the woods, gives them a baby-making blanket and she fakes a heart attack. She makes the movie so good. Then there is Ramon. He is just crazy, he works everywhere, is a male stripper, store clerk, and he tries to hit on Margaret right in front of Andrew. It is just so funny. The mom ( Grace Paxton) is also hilarious. She just says such funny things and she tries to be a supportive mom, But she sort of ends up being controlling.

Everyone's parents are a little controlling sometimes. By the end of the movie they all get along great. Andrew's parents start falling in Love with Margaret, Even though they said at first  she is an “Evil Witch” . Still in typical Rom Com fashion they fall in love they get married, Having there happily ever after. I personally think a lot of people would probably agree with me on this, Like I said before It’s a very predictable movie, they start off hating each other but slowly they start to fall in love with their words, actions and best of all personality . They see a whole other side of one another. 

This movie has so many twists and turns with the characters , how it starts and how it ends. Like I said It's captivating , hilarious and a feel good movie , I could watch this movie on repeat. And just how Sandra Bulleck  and Ryan Reynolds play their roles is just so incredible . I highly suggest watching this movie sometime. I think it is only about an hour and a half so not too long. It is one of those movies I can put on and not get distracted by.” The Proposal” made over three hundred seventeen million dollars, Which is crazy, Also “ The Proposal” has been my favorite since I was 9, I would watch it with my mom all the time, so I hope this convinced you to watch”The Proposal” and enjoy it as much as I do.,

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