Sully:Miracle on the Hudson | Teen Ink

Sully:Miracle on the Hudson

December 18, 2022
By laskova BRONZE, Ostrava, Other
laskova BRONZE, Ostrava, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have watched Sully:Miracle on the Hudson. It’s a drama where a pilot has to make an emergency landing because of the bird strike. Unfortunately, the judges were questioning his desicion about landing on the Hudson river.


The pilot with many years of experience was about to take another ordinary flight from LaGuardia airport. Everything was fine until that one moment. The plane took off and after some time it landed on the river, because a flock of birds had hit the engines. They had to evacuate the passengers because the plane was drowning in the water. Suddenly, the disaster was broadcasted on all TV channels. They evacuated all passengers to the boats and ambulances were waiting for them. Sully was extremely stressed, he had to know the exact number of the rescued passengers. After some time, Sully and his first officer Jeff were called in to meet with a board of people investigating the incident. The final verdict was that Sully had made the right desicion.


There are some sad moments, especially when the plane was landing and everyone was crying and was worried about their lives. Some good points are for example when Sully is so calm throughout the disaster and tries to keep a cool head. He made seem himself that he has everything under control.


In my opinion that film is a very exciting and mind-blowing. I do not recommend Sully to people who are scared of flying. But for the people who love adrenaline films, Sully is a great option.

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on Jan. 16 2023 at 9:51 am
terezka31 BRONZE, Ostrava, Other
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
I saw this film too, and I 100% agree with you. The story is very well made into movie :D