The Bourne Legacy | Teen Ink

The Bourne Legacy

November 13, 2019
By Anonymous

 The Bourne Legacy is the fourth movie in the Bourne franchise and is the first adventure without Jason Bourne as the protagonist. The movie instead revolves around Aaron Cross, a member of a secret CIA program, which is intended to alter men to create the strongest soldiers possible. The program has six agents and is decided to come to a close when the creator, Eric Byer, realizes that he can't keep the program going. Due to the actions of Jason Bourne, which include revolting against the men that erased his memory and turned him into a living weapon, as well as causing people to fear that the truth will come out about the horrors committed by the government, Eric doesn't want to face the severe consequences. Eric understands how Bourne's actions have resulted in the people responsible for years of testing and research on people like Bourne being placed behind bars. This causes Byer to send out new pills to the agents, which are lethal, instead of the old ones that helped to keep the agents alive. However, they don't ever reach Aaron Cross, resulting in Eric doing everything in his power to chase him down. Unfortunately for Eric, Aaron is extremely skilled and has gone on the run with a research scientist, Marta Shearing, which is mutually beneficial, since Marta is able to save Aaron from his altered DNA and Aaron is able to keep Marta safe from the people trying to kill them. With all of this combined, this unlikely duo might just prove to be a much more difficult opponent than anticipated. 

 The Bourne Legacy proves to be an adventurous movie that provides an interesting take on the other programs existing in the Bourne franchise. The beginning of the movie does a brilliant job of jump-starting the movie and introducing audiences to the connection between Aaron Cross and Jason Bourne without actually having Bourne in the plot directly. The middle of the movie does a marvelous job of progressing things along and is able to make things so much more enticing. However, the actual ending of the movie isn't the most satisfactory. The entire movie feels like it is building up to something so much bigger, but the end falls a little short, since it doesn't deliver anything massive and ends abruptly without much context of what happens next. This leaves audiences with a want for more but not in a good way. The conclusion doesn't really tie up all loose knots, like it should, and this is definitely felt, because it is certainly one of the weaker parts of an otherwise solid movie. 
 The Bourne Legacy does manage to boast a talented cast though. Jeremy Renner does an awesome job of portraying Aaron Cross and is really able to transform into a character that feels lost in a complicated world that he really doesn't even begin to understand the true extent of. Edward Norton does an amazing job of playing Eric Byer and is really able to turn into a formidable threat that has the ability and desire to eliminate all of the people whose lives he's destroyed due to his various programs. 
 Although The Bourne Legacy isn't as directly related to Jason Bourne as it could be, this movie still possesses many similar qualities to the others in the series. There's still the presence of the government embarking on programs to create the perfect soldier and wanting to ensure that there are no traces of evidence capable of being brought back to them. The protagonist of the movie still isn't sure of what's really going on, and it's partially unclear how much he knows about his past, which is quite similar to Jason Bourne. There's still the threat of having trained assassins take on trained spies, who are the products of the programs, and there is still the concept of running away to foreign countries and trying to hide from the government there. However, the movie feels slightly less well-executed. While there are some action-packed scenes with fantastic battles, the ending of the movie feels like it ends too quickly, which takes away from some of the fights' importance. 

 Unfortunately for The Bourne Legacy, this movie seemed to be disliked the most out of all of the others in the franchise. Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie an alright 56%, which is actually the lowest mark out of all of the movies by a significant amount. Although a fairly impressive 85% of Google users liked the movie, this is still a poor score when compared with the other three movies to date. 
 The Bourne Legacy isn't the best movie in the Bourne franchise, but it is still certainly worth watching because it successfully manages to stay true to the Bourne movies' formula and tries to keep the legacy going. Although Bourne's legacy continues, for those who haven't seen the others in the franchise, this isn't the best place to start. 

The author's comments:

"You should have left me alone." - Aaron Cross


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