Hancock | Teen Ink


November 9, 2019
By Anonymous

 Hancock proves to be an unexpectedly action-packed superhero movie that breaks standards and combines together with humor to form a unique adventure. The movie revolves around Hancock, a scruffy and gritty man that is just trying to get by. However, there's one catch. Hancock happens to have superpowers that allow him to fly and have super strength, which he mostly uses to aid the people of his hometown of Los Angeles. Despite how it would seem like Hancock would be very popular, Hancock is actually despised by the city for all of the destruction that he leaves behind him wherever he goes. As much as it seems that Hancock is helping to put criminals in jail, some also feel that he is costing the city more money that he's worth. While some people believe that Hancock should be responsible for his actions and go to jail like anyone else would, Hancock doesn't particularly care about what the general public has to say, as long as he knows that he does what he feels is right. In fact, Hancock seems to be just as satisfied with sleeping on a park bench and minding his own business as he is saving someone else's life. However, this all changes when Hancock saves Ray Embrey from a moving train, who happens to be a public relations agent that is just trying to make the world a better place. Ray is quick to thank Hancock for saving his life, and before Hancock, or Ray's wife, Mary, can refuse, Hancock is brought over for dinner and is immediately introduced to the family. Seeing that there are some out there that are rooting for him, including Ray's little son, Hancock begins to take Ray's advice and change how the public views him. As Hancock slowly starts to change his life, he attempts to discover who he truly is and embraces his sensitive side in the process. 
 Hancock may be an adventurous superhero movie, and have plenty of action, but the plot itself is in need of some work. The beginning of the movie does start off pretty well, immediately introducing audiences to Hancock and some of the more crude aspects of his personality, and it quickly ensures that viewers will be captivated by the multidimensional character that is Hancock. However, the middle of the movie does fall slightly short. While the beginning of the movie provides plenty of exciting entertainment, and sets up plenty of large plot points for the future, the middle of the movie offers none of these likable characteristics. Instead, it feels somewhat lackluster as it tries to explain certain concepts, but this ends up adding more confusion and excess to the story, taking away from what initially intrigued audiences. The enticing ending of the movie does attempt to make up for the weak middle portion, but even then it isn't completely able to fix all of the loose ends. Thus, the movie becomes somewhat uneven, with some parts feeling extremely inspired and profound, while other parts feel strangely unrelated to the rest of the plot. 

 Hancock has a star-studded cast that shines throughout, which mostly tries to make up for some of the plot's weaker focal points. Will Smith is spectacular as Hancock, and he brings plenty of emotion, passion and intensity to the role, creating a complex character that has several different depths and plenty of natural charisma. The character is noteworthy in all of the right ways and is more than deserving of being the title of the movie. While Charlize Theron's character is slightly confusing, especially in the context of her relationship to Hancock, Theron still tries her hardest to create a meaningful character. While there are plenty of other notable roles, like Jason Bateman's Ray Embrey, the true heart and soul of the movie is Will Smith, who proves to be just as talented as he has always been. 

 Hancock may be far from perfect, lacking the cohesion and cohesiveness necessary to create a dazzling story, but it does have enough strengths to produce a few memorable scenes. The unique blend of fantasy and crime does provide some creative moments, but the real strength of the movie is the fact that Hancock is just as human as the rest of us, despite his glorious powers. This creates a relatable and likable character in Hancock, which should be enough to appeal to viewers. Although the movie is certainly not for everyone, it it still worth giving a shot for being an unorthodox superhero movie. 

The author's comments:

" I mean, I'm... I'm not the most charming guy in the world, so I've been told." - Hancock

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