Bumblebee | Teen Ink


January 22, 2019
By maria_rico BRONZE, Sacramento, California
maria_rico BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Bumblebee” the first live action transformers movie to be directed by somebody other than Michael Bay. Bumblebee is based on transforming robots who are in war and end up on earth.  

  Bumblebee, beings on earth with a lifeless homage teen name charlie.  On the other planet cybertron the home of autobots who can transform into cars, planes and jets are in war. While at war at cybertron bumblebee is sent to ear to protect us , but then is caught between U.S. Military. They then tracked him down throwing explosions with that  his voice box was destroyed. Before he was powered down he spotted a beetle and his shaped shifted. Charlie turning 18 trying to find her place in the world. Carlie found bumblebee in a junkyard and Makes a bit with the shop owner , “ If i can fix this beetle up it's mine”. When she revives him she learns this is no ordinary yellow VW bug. Bumblebee and charlie then become friends and have adventures right before the enemies come on earth and try to destroy us humans and bumblebee with the help of the military. Military then realizes that bumblebee was sent to earth to be our hero.

Therefore with that  earth reamined safe.

  Even though most would assume that “bumblebee”  is just a typical , action the entire movie is surprisingly exciting. The plot is entertaining it takes you on a roller coaster ride. The flim is filled with adventure sense that make you wish you were just there.


Overall “Bumblebee” is filled with amazing sense ,some outstanding. This movie  shines as a loveable ,fun, adventures, and has great actors. The film might have some weakness , but once your heart sinks into the story , you can overlook them. In the end Bumblebee is a great movie.

The author's comments:

This was the best movie i have seen in 2018. 

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