A great family movie! | Teen Ink

A great family movie!

December 18, 2018
By Anonymous

Are you looking for a fun family outing? Then, you should get your tickets, get some popcorn and snacks, and go see  “The Fantastic Beast, The Crimes of Grindelwald.” I think it is age appropriate for all age ranges. There are not any super violate or scary scenes. The movie is very clever and has a childish sense of humor about it,  makes it fun for all ages. The movie could be for an 8-year-old, to a crabby teen, and to an 88-year-old. They all will still love and enjoy the movie.

The plot of the movie goes back and forth that makes it confusing for the watcher, but I still think that your family should go, it is totally worth it. The movie starts with a great suspense scene where a prisoner escaping a magical prison with police surrounding it. The criminal named “Grindelwald” he is trying to make war with other wizard’s to make sure wizards were not being threatened of there way of life by people that were not wizards. But the plot thickens and it eventually ends with a cliffhanger. It makes you want to see the new movie. That won’t probably come out for a few years.

In the movie, you will see a lot of magical creatures or “Beast’s” with tons of brilliant colors. So if you have little kids they would love to watch the movie because it gets their attention. Makes the little kids more entertained. The plot is a little hard to understand. Makes you think so it is good for adults and teens to keep their attention. There was not a ton of fight scenes so for me and my family watching it was a little disappointing, but for different family’s it might make it better. Like if your family had more little kids. There was a way that made the movie more enjoyable cause they put some things like the school that was in “Harry Potter” that made it fun for the watcher to resee the School. But you’ll have to watch or read the “Harry Potter” movies or books to get that. That's another great way to spend more time with your loving family. To the movie colorful scenes to it’s a childish sense of humor and having less violates I think this movie will be great for your family’s next outing.

The author's comments:

I'm a high school student 

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