The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen MAG

November 27, 2017
By alyssa0401 PLATINUM, Staten Island, New York
alyssa0401 PLATINUM, Staten Island, New York
39 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."

“Forever [is] so many different things. It is always changing … it is twenty minutes or a hundred years, or just this instant, or any instant I wish would last and last.” These meaningful words come from Sarah Dessen, the author of the YA novel, The Truth About Forever. While devouring its final few pages, I longed for the tale to go on forever. With its abrupt plot twists and powerful theme, the book was nearly impossible to put down. I felt emotionally connected to the protagonist, Macy Queen, rooting for her throughout every conflict. The novel’s engrossing plot intrigued me from the start. It brought me on a beautiful journey that impeccably captured all the little things life has to offer.

The Truth About Forever tells the story of 17-year-old Macy, a girl who strives to find her “forever.” After the tragic loss of her father in the book’s exposition, she attempts to clear her mind by volunteering for Wish Catering and interacting with an interesting boy named Wes. The members of Wish begin to bring comfort to Macy’s world, while Wes teaches her important life lessons and provides her with countless memories. Despite these two refuges, Macy still struggles to find her identity. She must make the heart-wrenching decision of whether to allow her life to be choreographed or to create her own adventure, taking risks along the way. Dessen excellently describes the difficulties of teenage life, her true creativity shining through the memorable plotline.

This book is perfect for teens because of its relatability.


Macy’s story is told from her own perspective, which greatly enhances the intimacy. She maintains a confiding yet somewhat depressing tone by spilling secrets to readers that she doesn’t dare tell anyone else. Often, they pertain to how broken she feels inside. Nevertheless, the dark mood only forms a more significant bond between readers and Macy, and brings attention to realistic problems in today’s society. This makes The Truth About Forever a must-read.

Dessen’s stellar writing style had a huge impact on my opinion of the book. The story flows wonderfully, with precision and clarity on each page. Every word has a purpose and was meticulously selected to ensure maximum comprehension for the audience. Sentences such as “Grief can be a burden, but also an anchor. You get used to the weight, how it holds you in place” show the writer’s astonishing use of metaphors. Dessen’s skill contributes to the intense emotional aspect of the plot. With the ideal balance of great story and excellent writing, this novel should definitely not be missed.
The Truth About Forever is a valuable story for teenagers. The author’s tense storyline, relatable characters, and cohesive writing techniques strengthen the appeal of the book. I highly recommend this novel to anyone looking for a read that will stick in your mind for what may seem like “forever.” 


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