Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

September 22, 2017
By riajaer BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
riajaer BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
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For my critique I focused on the book Divergent. The plot structure was at first a little confusing, but as the story continued the story progressively became exceptional and clear to follow. The theme of this book is supposed to be a dystopian city where everyone is supposed to be a specific person, but if a person has more than one abilities/intelligence they would call them “Divergent” an outlaw. One of the personal experience I had with this book was on page. 48 “My father’s eyes burn into mine with a look of accusation.” (Roth 48) This I could relate to because this is a feeling I have experienced with my father every time I do something wrong or lie.

One of the things in this book I had a problem with was on page. 22 ‘“…are called Divergent”’ (Roth 22) this part of the book made me confused for a while because the book didn’t expand on being Divergent. In the beginning it left me with many questions unanswered until way further into the book yet there are parts I like from this book that which I found exciting. Page 53-60 was a part of the book I really liked because it shows how brave and determined you have to be to succeed and become one of the dauntless. One thing I surely did learn is that not everyone can be the same. Everyone has different characteristics that define them for who they are. If everyone is the same, then everyone would never experience how it feels to be brave, peaceful, or honest. For this book I recommend people who enjoy thriller.


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