I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga | Teen Ink

I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga

September 22, 2017
By alexia.deleon BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
alexia.deleon BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I began to read this book, I didn’t really expect much because most thriller/mystery books just don’t make anything stand out. This book is different, it is about this teen named Jasper Dent, but they call him Jazz. He’s the son of the most notorious serial killer in the 21st century. His dad has been lcked up for years now, but bodies started to pile up in Lobo’s Nod, so his girlfriend Connie, his best friend Howie, and Sherriff G. William and Jazz try to figure out who is doing all of these killings. Later on in the book they found out who did these killings, and wouldn’t imagine who! I would really recommend this because it is a murder mystery case, a love story, and a boy meeting his father for the first time in a long time, plus there are a lot of cliff hangers which makes you say, “ Just one more chapter!” I would recommend this book to young adults because of the imagery he uses is amazing and graphic. I think something you’d learn throughout the book is that Jazz keeps thinking he’ll end up like his father but in realty the only thing they share is last name.


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