New Moon | Teen Ink

New Moon

March 26, 2009
By kyler blaine BRONZE, Falling Waters, West Virginia
kyler blaine BRONZE, Falling Waters, West Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

New Moon is a book by Stephanie Meyer. It is the sequel to Twilight. The genre is fantasy, but it also can be categorized as romance or drama. This book has taught me so much about true love and what it stands for. Obviously, since it is the sequel, in order to really understand anything that's going on, you would have to read Twilight. But this book is truly amazing.

The main character is Isabella Swan, but she goes by Bella. She has long, wavy brown hair and brown eyes. Bella is extremely clumsy. And she is often very blank, or spaced out. Her parents are divorced and about a year before, she moved from Phoenix, Arizona, to Forks, Washington with her dad, Charlie. When she falls in love with a vampire, she wants nothing more than to actually become a vampire. I can relate to Bella a lot in this book. She often acts spur the moment, without thinking, and ends up getting hurt. But sometimes, she gets hurt without doing anything wrong. This shows both Bella and I are extremely accident prone. Bella's best friend is an Indian boy named Jacob Black. He has very tan skin, and long, wavy black hair. He's also very tall and muscular. Jacob is a very calm, collected person. Bella's boyfriend is a vampire named Edward Cullen. He has very pale skin and copper hair. Edward has four siblings: Emmett, Jasper, Rosalie, and Alice. His parents are Esme and Carlisle. It's hard to explain, but no one in their family is actually related to one another.

The setting takes place in a small town called Forks, Washington. The setting is put into detail a lot. Edward's family lives there because it rains almost every day and the sun rarely comes out. Being vampires, they can't go into the sun.

There isn't really a theme that I know of. But the moral is basically, if two people are really in love, they won't let anything stop them from being together. That they will find a way to be together, no matter what tries to get in their way. This story is a story about love. When a mortal girl falls in love with a vampire, she has to deal with the jealousy between her vampire boyfriend and her best friend. This book showed me that if you love someone, you shouldn't let anyone tell you how to love them, or that you can't, and that true love knows no boundaries.

In the story, Edward and his family go away to Italy. After months of nothing but moping around, Bella begins to hang out with Jacob Black. Pretty soon, Bella and Jacob are best friends and Jacob is filling the hole in Bella's heart that had once belonged to Edward. When Alice comes back to protect Bella from a vampire trying to kill her, Bella finds out that Edward thought she was dead and is now trying to kill himself. So Alice and Bella travel to Italy to try and stop Edward.

I thought the book was absolutely amazing. It's the sequel and there are still two more books in the series, but it definitely left me on the edge of my seat. I like the fact that there's drama, action, romance and fantasy so pretty much anyone would enjoy this book. I did dislike the fact that the book is sometimes too descriptive, and sometimes the details would go on for two or three pages. Obviously, with it being fantasy, it's hard to believe some things. And it can get confusing being the sequel. You have to pay attention to little details throughout the whole series. But the story had so many things going on, it was unpredictable. The ending was hard to grasp at first, but if you pay attention to details in the first book and in the beginning of the second book, it pieces together well. I actually watched the movie soon after and it's the whole story in picture form. Nothing can compare to this book, it's incomparable. I would give this book 4 ' stars!


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