The Boy Who Couldn't Die by William Sleator | Teen Ink

The Boy Who Couldn't Die by William Sleator

January 27, 2017
By Lil_Boi_Ace BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Lil_Boi_Ace BRONZE, Sacramento, California
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I’m...I’m not really going to die, am I?” A teenage boy whose desire is to become invulnerable after losing his best friend in a plane crash. After gaining that ability, he is very curios to test himself into something dangerous. But doesn’t realize the consequences that he has to confront. And later on, finds himself trapped in a world of darkness.

Once it’s done, it’s not easy to go back. Never.” “You have to consider the consequences.” “Someday you may find yourself in a situation where you don’t want to be in vulnerable.” “What are you talking about? How do I die first? And if I really die, how can I come back?” “You can’t expect to get something this big without a sacrifice. Money isn’t the issue.” “How could I have died?” “What’s not to like? Nothing can hurt you. That ought to give you a peace of mind.” Don’t you think that just by reading these dialogues, it’s already making the book sound more interesting?

“The Boy Who Couldn’t Die,” written by William Sleator, an American science fiction author who wrote primarily young adult novels, but also wrote for younger readers. Using the idea of blending fiction with science physics together to form stories. He started writing novels ever since the 70’s and has published many great books. Many people thinks that the great work behind Sleator is done only in the 70’s and 80’s, but this one has proved them wrong.

This book that he wrote is also a masterpiece from him. It’s done with great work and the plot is awsome. It’s a very interesting, adventurous, and creepy book yet fun to read. If you’re into creepy books then this one will be your best choice. This book will make you never want to put it down, guaranteed. I guess all I can say is that, it’s a must-read book.

The author's comments:

A few people recommended this book for no one, but I'm not one of them.


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