The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennlfer L. Holm | Teen Ink

The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennlfer L. Holm

January 26, 2017
By HeatherErickson BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
HeatherErickson BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Holm Jennifer L., and Tad Carpenter . The Fourteenth Goldfish. New york, Random House, 2014.189.

This book is amazing. In the book The Fourteenth Goldfish, The book begins when the girl was in preschool and her teacher sent her home with a goldfish. She named it Goldie like every other kid named there goldfish. But that goldfish was a special gold fish she thought. The goldfish  lasted six years. But one day, she went in the kitchen and saw the fish on the top of the water. She told her mother that her fish died. Her mom said she was just buying fish every time a fish died. The number of the the fish  was unlucky thirteen. She was pretty mad about it. Then later in the book her grandpa came in which she did not recognise him at first (she thought he was a boy)when he first came she did not know much about him the only thing she new was he loved science. Then the girl and the grandpa came pretty close. But sadly at the end  he had to go. The grandpa went somewhere which he did not know wear but the girl figured out that her grandpa was her 14 gold fish. Not just a plain gold fish it was somebody she knew and loved.

Overall this book was really good. Jennifer L. Holm did very good job on explaining the book and making you go in the book like you are part of the book. This book grabs you and pulls you into the plot of the book. How I felt about this book is that it is funny sad and also happy. Why because it's so cool how the fourteenth goldfish was her grandpa I would have never  guessed that that her grandpa is her goldfish. Before i read the book you would think she get 14 real goldfish but she does not. This book made me keep reading because the book did not get boring it keeps bringing up  all new things. I rate this book 8/10 because it's a good for mostly all ages. I hope you read this book because it is a amazing.


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