Sergeant Rex by Mike Dowling | Teen Ink

Sergeant Rex by Mike Dowling

May 3, 2016
By DaraD BRONZE, Norton Shores, Michigan
DaraD BRONZE, Norton Shores, Michigan
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Sergeant Rex, by Mike Dowling
Overall rating: 3.5 stars
The book Sergeant Rex, by Mike Dowling is a heart warming non-fiction book about a man and his best friend. It's a book about a strong relationship between a K9 handler and his hard working dog who puts his life on the line to detect IED's and other bomb explosives. I love dogs so this book has been a quick read because it draws in my attention and it also makes me appreciate my dog at home. This book makes it clear that a relationship between a K9 handler and their dog is very special, yet timely. The book makes it clear that it's important that the handler and the K9 have an understanding friendship because they trust in each other to keep each other safe. The book draws in anyone's attention who loves the outbreak of war and the bond between a master and their dog. The book opens my eyes on how effective the war has on humans and the dogs who rely on their handlers to keep them safe. It's an unbreakable bond because they both need each other to keep each other alive and well. This book makes my emotions go everywhere from the suspense of war and safety that all reader's want for Mike Dowling and Rex. I love the bond that the other K9 handlers have with others dogs and how important K9's are in the war and how they contribute. I rated this book 3.5 stars because I'm only half way through the book and I haven't experienced any major scenes of suspense, however it's a thorough and emotional read. 


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