The Shadow's Curse by Amy McCulloch | Teen Ink

The Shadow's Curse by Amy McCulloch

March 15, 2016
By abreul SILVER, Whitehall, Pennsylvania
abreul SILVER, Whitehall, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Raim is no closer to figuring out the meaning of the broken vow that sentenced him to exile for life. But with his former best friend now a tyrannical Khan who is holding the girl Raim loves captive, he finds it hard to care. Every day, he and Draikh learn more about their powers, but it quickly becomes clear that he will never be able to stop Khareh and free Wadi unless he can free himself from the ultimate taboo of his people. Reluctantly, Raim begins the long journey down to the dangerous South, to find the maker of his oath"
Now, before I start the review, I must warn you that this is the second book in the Knot series, and I have not read the first one. However, this did not stop me from thoroughly enjoying this book. I thought that I would be lost, but the author did a very nice job of reviewing the main characters and setting. It is a very interesting plot. In this world, oaths are the most important thing. If you break one, the spirit of the person you made the oath to will haunt you, and you will be completely ostracized from your family and friends. The main character, Raim, has control over his spirit-whom he calls Draikh-, and wants to save the girl he loves, Wadi, from his ex-best friend, Khareh. It sounds confusing, but this book had been a delight. I would recommend the series to anyone.


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