The Outsiders | Teen Ink

The Outsiders

March 3, 2009
By AubsV SILVER, Lake City, Michigan
AubsV SILVER, Lake City, Michigan
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Set in 1960's in the town of Tulsa, Oklahoma, The Outsiders, tells a tale of true friendship and family. The Greasers, consist of seven boys, whom all share three things in common; lack of money, hate of Socs, and being loyal to each other.

The story starts out with the narrator, Ponyboy Curtis, and yes that is his real name, is leaving a movie theater. While walking home, Ponyboy is trailed by a car full of Soc's, which is an abbreviation for Social's.

Suddenly he the car comes to a stop, and group of boys come out, obviously hoping to cause trouble. Quickly the action begins, as the fight that really kicks things up for the story begins.

Quickly we are introduced to the other six members of the gang, as they call themselves. Darrel Curtis is the eldest of the gang and the older sibling of Ponyboy. Then you have Sodapop Curtis, yes it is his real name as well. Sodapop is your typical goofball, happy-go-lucky kid; he is also the middle brother of the three Curtis boys.

Two-Bit Matthews is the second oldest member of the gang, eighteen and still a junior in high school. Two-Bit, though his real name is Keith, however no one really remembers that, is the comedian of the group. Dallas Winston is the tough guy of the group, a real hood, as one of the Soc girls calls him.

Steve Randle is the sixth member of the group. He is a wiz with any type of car and can lift a hub cap faster then anyone. Steve is Sodapop's best friend, but can't stand Ponyboy.

The last member of the gang is Jonny Cade. Johnny is often referred to as a little dark puppy that has been kicked to many times. Johnny is almost always silent, and is best friends with Ponyboy.

We also find out that Ponyboy's parents died in a car crash, and that the Darry is in charge of the three boys, with monthly check-ups by the state.

The story quickly picks up, as Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dallas go to a local drive-in movie. Dallas hits on two of the Soc girls in the row in front of them. After getting told off by Johnny, he leaves the movie.

Quickly the two girls become friends with the two boys and Two-Bit who shows up soon after Dallas leaves. Being the kind gentleman they are the three boys offer to walk the girls up. This is the beginning of the real trouble.

Caught by the girl's boyfriends, who we find out the girls ditched because the boys were getting drunk, things quickly begin to change.

Johnny and Ponyboy are later caught up in a crime, which was truly in self-defense, and are on the run. Living in a church, they quickly change their appearances. Their time is spent smoking cigarettes, playing cards, and reading the novel, Gone With The Wind,

When Dallas comes to see them, we are told that Johnny wants to turn himself back in. However before they head back to Tulsa, they go to the church, to see it on fire, and a bunch of kids missing from a group.

Knowing they caused the fire, Ponyboy and Johnny, gallantly go into the roaring fire to save the children. As the church collapses we read that Johnny let out a piercing scream.

The next scene begins at a hospital in Tulsa, where Ponyboy is reunited with his brothers. The tension between the two social classes begins to mount, and a rumble is called.

The fight occurred quickly, and we know face Johnny in his hospital room. It is in this scene that we read the famous line by Johnny, 'Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.' Now I won't say what happens in this scene, but I will say this, Dallas is soon heard from by the gang asking for their help after robbing a store.

The ending of the story, comes with Ponyboy being able to stay with his brothers, a letter from Johnny in the, Gone With The Wind, book, and Ponyboy beginning a composition for English.

The Outsiders is one of the most phenomenal books I have ever read. It's been four years since I read it for the first time, and I still can't get enough of it. S.E. Hinton did a wonderful job.

This story is realistic fiction, meaning that it is possible for it to happen in real life. It's packed with action, drama, friendship, comfort, and most of all a brotherly love above all others.

This is one book that will keep you on the edge of you seat, asking for more. You will never want to put this book down.


This article has 1 comment.

D.rose#1 said...
on Feb. 21 2013 at 8:46 am
Book Review Outline Book title and author: “The Outsiders” Title of review: Number of stars (1 to 5): 5   Introduction I think this is a good book because the mood changes a bunch, and that is what makes it good. It goes from happy to depressing really fast. Description and summary of main points At first the greasers get jumped by the socials and so the greasers are trying to get back at them. But on the attempt of doing that they meet new people and towards the end they kill one of the socials and they end up running away with money and a gun. Their brother soda pop brings them money and food every now and then. But one day there was a fire and they try to save the kids but Johnny dies in the attempt. Evaluation Overall I thought the book was good because I like those kind of books with fighting and a lot of action. Conclusion This was probably one of the best books I have ever read. It is a very interesting. Your final review I liked the book very much and I hope you enjoy reading it!